Boat Ride ReaderxElliott

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Warning ⚠️ very cheesy

It was the perfect summer day, the sun was shining down and the sky was as blue as blue could be. The wind blew my hair around as I walked down to the beach. Elliot had recently invited me down to his cabin to join him for a beach day and honestly, I needed one. With all the work that has been going on at the farm I haven't had a nice break in a while and on the plus side, I got to see Elliot. As I neared the Cabin I saw Elliot standing in the distance with his long red hair blowing fiercely in the wind and a bright shining smile he looked like a Prince except he was far more laid back but now that I think about he really could be one Prince Charming.

"Ah Yn I was hoping you would arrive!"Elliot shouted merrily

"I wouldn't miss this for the world," I said as I gently laid my bag unto the ground

"I have many adventures planed for us today yn"
Elliot said.Ah and I thought today I would have break but whatever Elliot has planed it cant be to bad.

"So what do you have planned for us first" I turned around to ask him but he had disappeared.My heart begin to beat faster as I looked around but could not find him.
I cupped my hands around my mouth as I shouted I began to panic the suddenly I hear a loud clang. It seemed to have come from behind his cabin. As I walk around to the back of the cabin I spot Elliott with a toppled over boat.
"Ah yn sorry I meant to drag the boat out to you quickly but it seems to have other plans" Elliot said laughing. Before he could say anything else I went over and turned the boat upwards and began to haul it. Elliott's eye brows raised upwards in shock at how quickly it seemed to turn over.
"Come on slowpoke and help get this boat out on the water" I teased
"I like your confidence yn!" Elliot said as he began to help pick up the other side of the boat.With Elliott's help we were able to set the boat on water in no time.
"Well there's the boat now what?" I ask as Elliott seems a bit out of breath.
"Well hope in the boat yn I have surprise for you" he said smirking as he watched my reaction.
"Ok let's go then!" I said as I hoped into the boat. As Elliott rowed out further into the ocean I couldn't help but think about how peaceful everything was out here with ocean gently rocking our boat and the birds singing overhead it almost seemed like a fairytale. Suddenly Elliott stoped rowing and put the oars down and looked me straight in the eyes.
"Yn I ..... When I first moved to the valley it was simply a break a place of safety a calmness were I could write days away but it was never really home until..." He stopped talking and looked at me suddenly I felt his hands on my cheeks as he kissed me. As he took his lips off mine I could the pink in his cheeks.
"Yn..." He spoke gently as he looked at me. Suddenly I leaned forward and pressed my lips to his. It felt like a true fairytale as I could feel a smile forming.
"I love you yn" he said as he looked at me with such a passion
" I love you too"

I supposed today really was a perfect summer day after all.

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