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Peter stood in the sunlight, his light brown hair glowing in the sunlight like light on a warm summer day. His eyes gazed lovingly at me, it melted into my heart and soul warming me from the inside out despite the damp bite to the air. "Come here Lily." Peter's voice was soft, enticing, and comforting. My feet carried me to him, taking the inviting hand of the man before me. Glowing in the sunlight he looked like an angel sent down to protect me from the world.
Peter brought me gently to the edge of the grassy cliff. It had been months since I breathed fresh air. I filled my lungs with the cool air and a feeling of relief set into my bones. As I approached the edge I was able to look over the endless sea before me. A sense of awe and wonder brought me closer and closer. Despite the danger, part of me wanted to explore the mysterious depths. Taking in another deep breath of air a sense of freedom filled my being, for the first time since I stood beside Killian. Turning my head I took in his strong features and his warmth standing next to me brought a bright smile across my lips flitting across the distance between us to his lips. Turning back to the ocean I enjoyed the moment closing my eyes and listening to the sounds of the forest behind me, the chirping crickets and rustling of leaves, the waves crashing on the rocks far below me. The salty air filled my nostrils and I exhaled all the stress that had been building since I arrived in Peter's grasp.
"Lily?" Peter tugged on my hand to get my attention. Turning my eyes to his I saw the concern there, he thought I still wanted to leave. I could see the fear deep in his eyes. Brining a hand up to his face I brushed it across his soft delicate cheekbone. It reassured him and conveyed the sense of belonging I felt through my eyes and in my fingertips. A soft smile brushed across his lips. Peter leaned into my hand, bringing his own up over mine. The deep callouses in his hands were rough against mine that had become soft and untouched after months of unuse. He looked at me as if he was afraid the moment would disappear into thin air. We stood for a long moment gazing into each other's eyes and conveying all the emotions neither of us could describe. Finally, I moved my hand from his face to his shoulder, drawing his body into my own. I pressed us together, the hard defined muscles into my atrophied, much thinner, weak body. The months had taken a toll on me, one that I'm not sure I'd ever fully recover from.
Peter drew away slightly before circling an arm under my legs, lifting me into his arms. I softly accepted the motion, wrapping my arms around his neck, breathing in the scent of crushed pine needles that clung to him.

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