Breaking a Bond

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Hello lovely readers, to those that read my last authors note you know I was considering discontinuing this book. I have decided to continue working on it. I'm not sure what that means as of now, but here's a new part. I'm sorry it's so short, the next chapter will be longer I promise. Thanks for reading I love you all! ❤️

A stone lay in the pit of my stomach slowly raising into my throat. Gagging on it I wondered if I could just die right there and end the torture it is to continue living with the demon. Sadly there was no such luck and I was left to stare into the eyes of the man below me. Pan's eyes were laughing hysterically at me, dancing with a sadistic glimmer. He loved the power he had over me right now. I could feel him drinking in the victory like it was the last sip of water to a dying man. Hatred, unlike any other I felt in my short life built in my soul for this man. Tight lipped I began the slow decent toward his body that burned my own like a branding iron. That's what this was, more than the still raw bite mark on my shoulder, this was his brand. I was now his and there was not a goddamn thing I could do about it because he finally had power over me. Horrifying thoughts brought to the forefront of my mind as I continued lowering myself. This would be far from the last time he used this tactic against me. I had revealed a chink in my mail and now it had torn open to reveal the soft flesh beneath. Pan would continue to dig the dagger of dominance into my soft flesh until I bled out at his feet, and even the I doubt he would let me die so easily. I am no longer a human, I'm nothing better than a dog to follow his beck and call. Bile coated my mouth as I closed the last few centimetres between our mouths. If death had a taste it would be Pan. The moment we connected I felt my heart drop into my feet. 

Each vein was filled with ice as I ripped myself away from Pan. Thoughts were spinning in my head at the speed of light and I couldn't seem to focus on a single one. My hand had instinctively found its way to my mouth viciously scrubbing attempting to rid myself of the infection that was spreading within me. Everything I had worked so hard for, all that time of resisting him was for nothing. I had betrayed my best friend Killian. In that moment everything else fell away, the one person that had cared for me for the past several years of my life, and in one second I had betrayed everything that he had given me. Memories of Killian flashed behind my eyes, vivid as the most clear dreams. 

The water was smooth and soft that night, coupled with the night sky it was utterly breath taking. The dark waves shone with the light of the stars as they twirled on they blinked on the waves like a million sets of eyes looking back at me. Suddenly I didn't feel so lonely anymore. Sometimes I imagined my parents living among the stars, smiling down on me with all of the love in the world. My heart swelled at the thought. Standing on the edge of the deck a single tear found its way down my face. I was never one to cry, but at that moment alone staring at the stars it felt right. It wasn't sad, but it wasn't happy either, it was simply a tear of existing. Turning my face to the sky I stared at it a smile breaking across my face. Emotions are not something I've ever been skilled at understanding but in that moment I was able to let go of emotions I didn't even know I was carrying around. 

After a long moment I was able to turn my head to find a presence beside me. Unbenouced to me Killian had drifted to my side like a spirit of the sea, standing there calmly he didn't say a single word. I wiped the tear of my face before he could see it and turned to face him. "Killian," I whispered softly to attract his attention off the waves captivating him. When our eyes met it was a comforting and familiar connection. For a long moment we did nothing except look at each other, the companionship flowing across the bond of our eyes. No words were needed. He was my home, and the wold and all of its stress melted away in an instant. 

Gasping back to the nightmare of a reality that I now lived. Tears built in my eyes and I ripped myself away from pan, I swear I could hear the ripping of skin as I did. Turning my back to Pan I tried to reign in my emotions, I could not let him know that he broke me. The weight of my actions set in. The tears dried but I was utterly livid. A bonfire had been lit in my heart and it burned with all the intensity of a forge. Had I touched Pan I could have melted him into a puddle of angry goo. Turning to greet the gruesome creature behind me I was met with Pan on his feet behind me. In the unnatural light still illuminating the cave I glared at him. If looks could kill I would have marched him down into the depth of hell myself. 

Pan, however, smiled. The expression was filled with triumph. Had I not known it was a pointless venture I would have knocked him and myself off the stony island and sent us hurtling down to the water below to meet a painful demise. The sad truth hit home as I gazed at him, there was no escape. Not even the warm embrace of the grim reaper could wrench me free from the cold metal shackles of Pan's grasp.

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