Mind Games

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I don't own this video...

The terror took a hold of my heart struck, an idea into my head, if I became timid he would loosen up around me he won't think I'll run away there fore giving me an escape route. It might include some unpleasant tasks but I'll do anything to leave here, to get back to... No not him, not after what he did.

I began to tremble in Pan's tight grasp, letting loose all of the emotions I so dearly resented. My weakness on full display. Scoffing in pure contempt, he dragged me up to a standing position, but my knees were bent enough so that he still had complete control over me. I wanted to turn around and break his perfect little nose, but it's extremely hard to punch someone with my hands bound. "Come on, we're going to play a game with the boys." He growled coldly. The inflection placed upon game made me extremely conscious of just how much he could force me to do.

"P-pan?" I stuttered letting it lose its usual dagger keen edge.

"Peter," his smooth voice interrupted me mid sentence, "that's my name, I suggest you use it." I glanced up at him careful to keep the timid look present in my eyes, his glinted with intelligence and it occurred to me he was testing me, he knows I'm faking and he's curious how far I'll take it. But I'm sure I can convince him.

"P-p-peter, I-I, can't walk with m-my legs t-tied." I looked away from him gazing at the floor, careful to avoid his hungry eyes, the look of raw animalistic lust sent a chill down my spine.

He looked me up and down appraisingly, "You can't can you. Hmm, I can't you meeting my boys in something so prude, and masculine. Fine, I'll untie you on one condition you wear what ever I give you with out complaint." I could almost feel the smirk planted upon his face burning into my back, shoving down the urge to retort I simply quietly nodded, not trusting my self to speak.

With a snap of his fingers the ropes fell away. He seemed almost surprised as I obediently accepted my fate when he handed me an all too revealing dress made from the large leaves of some plant. Biting my tongue I accepted the dress. A triumphant smirk graced his lips, it took all the will power I had left to not attempt to smack it right off his face. I waited for him to leave but he simply stood there gazing at me expectantly. Forcing a confused look into my features I asked him "Aren't you going to turn your back?" My voice higher than normal in effort to keep up the facade. I knew exactly what he expected of me, this was yet another test. He wanted me to change in front of  him.

"Oh love, you really think I'm going to give you the chance to run like that? Plus who wouldn't enjoy a free show." Internally glaring at him I bit my already sore tongue . "Go on. Do it. Strip." Turning my head as if in embarrassment I faced my back to him. My annoyance was growing by the second, I was moments from jumping at him like an animal and trying trying to tear that infuriating smirk from his face by force. Carefully setting the dress on the bed, I bent down to begin removing my leather boots gifted to me by my long dead father. I hoped Pan would let me keep them they were a gift from him for my 9th birthday just before he died.

Once off I slipped the dress over my black leather trousers for the first time realizing that my cape was gone. Untucking the cloth long sleeve shirt I smirked to myself. He thought I would simply strip my clothing for him, bah, I learned how to change with a man in the room long ago. I served on a pirate ship manned by an all male crew, and shared a cabin with the captain himself. It was a quick learning curve. I pulled my arms though the sleeves and slid the dress under my shirt until it rested above my breasts. The straps rested uncomfortably upon my shoulders as the dress weighed more than expected. I quickly slid the trousers off careful not to reveal anything to the teen stationed behind me. The dress was something that would've fit right in at a brothel. It showed too much of my thigh and chest to be considered appropriate for polite society. Not that such a thing existed here.

I slouched in more of an attempt to keep my visage alive but as I turned to face him he had lost the triumphant grin that had previously played upon his lips. I forced down a small smile of my own. "Nice." His voice was curt portraying his obvious annoyance.

"Let's go." Pan prodded my back with the dagger he had drawn from the sheath upon his waist. Taking the hint I marched in the direction he indicated with the point of the knife. Down a staircase that seemed to have been carved out of the tree it's self, but the workmanship was too perfect to de done by anything but magic. The very air around me seemed thick and poisonous, the land surrounding me was heavily wooded and dark. The blackness seemed almost palpable, like I could reach out and touch if, like a figure lurking in the shadows to kill me. We continued until we reached a company of boys.

Gazing upon them at first glance they could've simply been a group of vagabond boys traveling alone through a strange forest. But something about their laughter was too cold, too cruel to be natural. A boy wear a dark green cloak raised his head to acknowledge their arrival. "Well, well, the bitch finally decides to join us. How shall we ever welcome a princess such as yourself." His words we too smooth, he gave the same feel as Pan. One of impending doom, they're like that dark cloud that lingers at the back of your mind, but you're never able to shake.

"Welcome." Another boy spoke his voice surprisingly soft and lilting.

"Shut it Luis!" Shouted another of the earthen clad boys.

Shoving a dagger into my hands Pan yelled for all to hear, "Who shall fight the girl?" His voice seemed guarded and it made me very weary of what is to happen next. "No one," Pan seemed even slightly disappointed. "Fine I'll do it my self." He turned to me grinning. "Let's make a wager, no magic, you win you go home, I win you give yourself to me." The words echoed through my stunned brain, this seems too good to be true. Should I take it?


Hey guys, so what do you think's gonna happen next, will she go free, will she agree, or will she be force to surrender to Pan?

What do you think so far? Do you like it? Is he crazy enough for you?

This chapter was pretty boring not gonna lie, sorry I needed a filler.

Love you all thanks for reading!!!!

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