'i do adore~'

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Heyo! This is inspired by the video above!

I doubt anyone will c this but, oop anyway 



it was a July morning, Zander just got up from his bed. expecting his rather annoying step-sister to run through his bedroom door.

 he didn't bother getting changed, just in-case-of Hailey walking in on him. that wouldn't be a great start- Anyhow, Zander grabbed his phone of his dresser and immediately about to text Luke but just as he unlocked his phone Hailey barraged through the room. 

"Someone is lazy this morning!" Hailey chuckled as she sat besides zander on his bed. Zander rolled his eyes. "Oh don't worry zander, keep rolling your eyes! you might find a brain back there" she smirked. Zander glared at Hailey, aware of what she was doing. Hailey peered over Zander's  shoulder watching him scroll through his photos on his phone. 

"anyway ill be downstairs eating breakfast, come down when your Looking at Luke on your phone" Hailey smirked patting his step-brother on his back. "Whatever , Hailey" Zander replied. 

He luked  (I'll stop-) at the photos on his camera roll, he sighed and remembered the good ol' days when they would play in the park and smell the beautiful autumn breeze, he slightly smiled at the memory, un-aware that His younger sister Bethany was staring at him and leaning against the door frame. Bethany slowly walked down stairs and grabbed Hailey by the wrist.

 "Beth! What are you doing?!" Hailey groaned. "L-look!"  Bethany beamed as she pointed at Zander on his phone. "I have an idea" Hailey smirked.


Zander was just got dressed, as he was buttoning up his blazer (it's basically English word for jacket) he heard a knock at his bedroom door, confused and still half dressed he shouted "one minute!" Zander adjusted his blazer and opened the door, to his surprise it was Luke. "Hey Zander!" Luke smiled greeting Zander with a warm hug. 

Zander's cheeks flushed red. "H-hi Luke!" He muttered feeling like a tomato 🍅. As Zander and Luke sat down on Zander's bed There was all of a sudden a guitar playing in the background. 

Zander luked around confused, but the golden eyed boy flushed red and stood up from Zander's bed. Zander looked up from the doorway and saw Hailey and Bethany standing in the doorway, hailey had her guitar and Bethany was obvious shipping Lander (don't we all-)Hailey chuckled " so Zander... it's about time you listen to what Luke has to say

What the h3ll- Zander thought. Hailey started strumming her guitar again, 

Luke grinned and singed "Everything you do, it sends me,"

The ombré haired boy's eyes widened. He knew this song, 

"Higher than the moon with every, Twinkle in your eye" Luke sing-songed 

"You strike a match that lights my heart on fire

Zander's face blushed and Hailey smirked at her step bro 

When you near I hide my blushing face, Zander thought to himself, 

Zander, being the tsundere he is, felt warm and over-whelmed and fainted,

And trip on my shoelaces
Grace just isn't my forté
But it brings me to my knees when you say..

Luke Luckily enough caught him, and helped him up, "t-thanks Luke.." zander said flustered. 

"So Zander.. Hello, how are you, my darling, today? " Luke winked. 

Zander once again fell into a pile on the floor

Puppy love is hard to ignore
When every little thing 

"Zander.. are you okay?" Luke muttered worried.  

Zander slightly laughed. "I'm fine"

The golden eyed boy chuckled. "I love you zander"

"you do?"  Zander beamed

 "I do" Luke laughed 



Ayo my peeps! I hope u enjoyed! Ik it kinda was CHEESEEYYYY- but hey I tried 

Anyhow, idk when I'll post the next part, but...


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