"Im Fine"

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Okay- sO i forgot this existed ngl. Anyway, enjoy this.


Luke dashed over to zander, who at this point has collapsed on the floor. Why? Luke didn't know, but either way he knew it wouldn't end well if he was just laying on the floor in the middle of a hurricane. 

The golden eyed boy picked up this grape haired Boyfriend bridle style carrying him to where the three of them were just sitting. 

He placed Zander down, making sure he was still okay. Hailey had a concerned face on, but also a sad expression, probably from the whole "Step-Sister" drama that happened minutes earlier. 

"Why did he collapse?" The teal haired girl asked looking up at Luke.

"Not quite sure.. maybe he tripped over something?" He replied, Looking at where Zander fell.

"Most likely, he's always tripping over things." Hailey laughed smirking down at unconscious Zander.  

However, Luke didn't find it that funny. He just looked at Zander, still concerned. Just as he was about to say something, a gust of wind shook the house, causing Luke to fall to his feet. 

"Luke, you okay?" She asked looking at Luke. 

"Im fine." Luke replied, Still confused. 

"you don't seem fine-"

"i said, i'm fine." He said crawling over to Hailey, Still holding Zander with him. 

Hailey knew he wasn't... But either way, He wasnt fine.


Short- ik. anyway bai 

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