Arguments and Hurricane's.

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angst time y'all- idek if this is angst- but EH-

(btw this might get weird bc i added drama- well- some sorts of drama, and im not very good at that- but eH-)

Before this starts- i wanna say that i'm gonna be writing less- bc Its lowkey stressful.

 but Ill try and write more often- just- i wont always post my fanfics- 

-if that makes sense. anyway, Enjoy! 


"Luke.. that still doesn't explain why your in Hailey's room." Zander muttered pacing back and forth.

Luke sighed. The golden eyed boy stood, up still not looking zander in the eyes.

 "I came out of the bathroom when Hailey walked out of her room, then she told me about the hurricane."Luke replied.

  Zander looked at Luke then at Hailey.

 "And you didn't think of telling your brother first?" Zander said coldly, as he leaned against the wall. 

 "Zander- i was going to- but we got distracted-" Hailey started but was cut of by Zander yelling.

 "Ugh, Your such an idiot Hailey!" 

"Woah- Zander calm down-"  Luke whisper-shouted (is that even possible?-) walking to the periwinkle eyed boy. 

"Why should i?!" He yelled back at Luke.

"Because its not nice-" Luke started but was cut of by a large gust of wind, and the windows flying open. 

"Guys- maybe we should actually stop arguing and take shelter-" Hailey yelled over the swirling sounds of the wind. 

"I agree!" Luke said smiling at Hailey. 

"LUKE- YOUR MY BOYFRIEND-" Zander yelled shooting a glare at Hailey.

"WILL YOU TWO SHUT UP?!" Hailey screamed running towards her desk to take shelter. 

The ombre haired boy shot a glare at Luke and followed Hailey to the Desk. Luke sighed and ran after them. 

At this point the wind was swirling and whistling, the rain was thudding hard on the roof, and the clouds were cloaking the sky. 

The three of them were hiding under Hailey's desk with worried expressions on their faces. except one purple haired boy, Zander, He was glaring at both Luke and Hailey.

Why is Luke being so weird today? Zander thought Sighing. luckily, nobody cold hear him sigh over the loud thumping rain and wind. 

Hailey smiled at Luke, who smiled back. Zander felt his heart drop. Whats going on between them? He thought looking at Luke.

 "Luke, i'm sorry but i don't wanna be in here, with Her" Zander said shooting a glare at Hailey.

"Zander! She's your sister!" Luke shouted.

"Step sister." Zander corrected him crawling out from under the desk carefully, Zander didn't regret his words, he was just too mad.

Hailey's expression dropped and she looked at Zander. Just as the purple haired boy was about to walk out of Hailey's bedroom, he felt a gust of wind pull him down, 

"ZANDER-" he heard Luke call. but before he could even realise what was going on, darkness struck him.


;m; that took way to long- and its not even that long on a paragraph. 

Also- Tysm for 200 reads on the book overall! ^^

Anyway, idk when i'll post the next chapter, but eH- 


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