Ɗαժα Ɓ𝗈, Ƥαꝓα Ɓ𝗈𝗈

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ayo, i'm back, I can't talk to my cg/ boyfwend so i thought- aha! L!Tommy oneshot! Also thank you so fluffin much for the 3.5k reads! Like what the honk, there's so many! I'm so thankful you all enjoy this also Tubbo is known as daddy, it's strictly platonic! Enjoy!^^

Tommy: 5"2 & 6m (months) - 3 years
Ranboo: 6"6
Tubbo_: 5"6


Ⲧ𝗈ɱɱყ'ಽ ƤƠѴ:

'I get to meet Ranboo today!! I'm so excited, mumza and dadza are going to drop me off and it's going to be so fun!' I jot down messily in my 'journal'. It's technically a diary and Wilby calls it that but it sounds all girly and people will make fun of it, so I say journal like the big boys do. I like diarys though, they're really pretty and they're usually pink! I like pink but when people ask my favourite colour I say red because red makes pink! Hehe!

Ɽαŋɓ𝗈𝗈'ಽ ƤƠѴ:

Where is he? Tommy always shows up around this time.. Did he decide not to come today? Did we say something to bother him last time? He did seem pretty sad when he had to go..

"Ranboo! Tommy slipped on the way here again, I've gotta go collect him" Tubbo informed, pulling me out of my thoughts. So that's where Tommy is! Aw, Baby Bee got small on the way to see us- wait- Baby Bee's small, did something happen causing him to slip? Oh god, all the worries are back.

Ⲧʋɓɓ𝗈'ಽ ƤƠѴ:

I'm off to collect my best friend, or more, my Baby Boy right now. He called me letting me know he's small. He's such a good little, and always does as he's told. Well almost..


"Tommy! I told you no ice-cream. You didn't finish all your food." Ranboo scolds, making sure not to raise his voice.
"Bu' Dada! I be-d goods! (But Dada, I've been good!)" Tommy whined, his blonde curls bouncing as he falls to his knees in a begging position. "I do goods fings an' eawn it! Pwetty Pwease! (I'll do good things and earn it! Pretty Please)" Tommy begged, he must've said this about six or seven times before Ranboo was about to give up.
"That's it, you've been warned Little Bee, but now it's time to go in the corner. You're three at the moment so it's for three minutes, it restarts whenever you make a sound or move." I scold. He usually isn't like this, Phil warned me about this, Tommy is usually a good kid but ice-cream is a favourite of his.

He started throwing his arms and legs around. I wasn't having it.
"Hey! Just because you can't have what you want does not mean we throw tantrums. Am I understood?" I state, with the paternal scold sounding voice. (The one that happens when you know you fluffed up).
Tommy teared up, he wasn't used to dicapline. He was a good little, so of course he wasn't used to it.
"Baby Bee, you didn't listen to me or Daddy, so you need your punishment." Ranboo says, following the punishment in place.


Yeah, almost. But was very rare. Boo and I met up a few week back. It's been so fun having him here. Tommy gets to meet him, it's going to be fun. He's staying for a few days too.

I walk past so many busy roads (I dunno what it's like over there, I live at least an hour or two away-) until I eventually meet up with Toms.
"Daddy! Daddy!" Tommy yelled, extremely happy and running towards me, a few people giving him dirty looks. I prayed he hadn't seen the looks but I was mistaken. He hugged me, I'm not big on hugs but Toms and 'Boo are my exception.
"Dey stawin ats mes.. wight Daddy? (They're staring at me.. right Daddy?)" Tommy whispered, clearly guilty of being small in public. He uncomfortably shifted the way he stood. My heart dropped. The poor boy.. My baby boy.
"Hey, Toms, look at me. You have nothing to be ashamed of. This is a coping mechanism for you. You have no need to feel embarrassed to have a way to cope. I bet those people are miserable because they don't have an adorable Little Bumblebee such as yourself." I reassure, his eyes lit up, he hugged me quickly with the most purest of euphoric smiles I've ever seen.
"Daddy cans sees Dada? Wan' 'Boo (Daddy can we go see Dada? I want to see 'Boo)" Tommy asked, smiling genuinely.
"Ofcourse Bumbles." I reply, reaching for his hand.

Our Precious Bumblebee - Tommyinnit AgereWhere stories live. Discover now