Ɗᥲժժყ Ɗɾᥱᥲɱ & Ꝓᥲƿᥲ Ⲧᥱⲥꜧίᥱ

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a request!! I apologise that it's late- this was requested by: @alyssa579437744
i hope this is oki- I haven't been to a zoo in ages cos of how far away they are from my home so I don't know if this is right- but Imma try anyways alsoo this is an irl one- is that what you wanted? I'm sorry if I got it wrong- plus i'm writing a cg!quackity & cg!glatt for after then a cg!techno so if you wanna request- it's appreciated- uhm, cos it's nearly halloween I decided to add a bit to the end due to lack of posting.

{Y/N} = Your Name

{P/T} = Partners Title (Mommy/Daddy/etc)

{H/C} = Hair Colour {H/L} = Hair Length

{E/C} = Eye Colour

{F/C} = Favourite Colour {S/F/C} = Second Favourite Colour

Ɗɾ୧αɱ'ಽ ƤƠѴ:

Today is the day we planned a day out. I wanted to spend time with Techno and Tommy. Ranboo was going to join however he's spending the day with Tubbo. (Everyone is in the UK for this one-) I received a text in Tommy's regression group chat. It was me, Techno, Tommy, Wilbur, Tubbo and Ranboo.

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Tommy: [sent 11:23]
Is it today?

Techno: [sent 11:24]
Yes Child. It's today

[sent 11:24] Dream:
Right, it's just us three since the others are busy. But it could be a fun trip.

[sent 11:25] Dream:
Tommy, bring your little gear just incase.

Tommy: [sent 11:34]
But I'm not gonna be little today!

Techno: [sent 11:34]
I'll bring it. Tommy's too stubborn.

Tommy: [sent 11:35]
Nuh uh!!!

Techno: [sent 11:35]
Mhm, sure.

[sent 11:42] Dream:
Techno, don't agrivate him.

[sent 11:43] Dream:
Tommy, we're just looking out for you. We just want to make sure you're prepared if you do slip. It's our job as your caregivers.

Tommy: [sent 11:45]
Hmph! Meanies :(

I already knew Tommy was going to slip. As soon as he sent "nuh uh" and "hmph" it became incredibly obvious. So I sent him a discord message.


[sent 11:52] Dream:
Tommy, would you like to be little on the trip?

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