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It's been a while but I wanna do more cg!jack with l!tommy- i haven't really wrote any other littles mainly cos im a sucker for l!tommy- anyways- onto this chapter


Tommy's show was today. He was looking forward to it, but he knew secretly that the jokes were a bit mean to his poor Papa, the person that always was there for him whether he was big or small. The running joke was that Jack was the butt of it, that's what the fans liked.

It was just before the show and everyone was ready, the judges were ready to go on and so were the talent (aka Tom's friends) but Tommy himself wasn't. In fact the newly adult wasn't prepared at all, he was the main event, he was dreading performing, so many people, he got overwhelmed fast, he couldn't handle all of the stress.


The show had just ended, it wasn't too late, well for an adult. Half nine isn't too late, however, a certain blonde entertainer was completely shattered.
"Toms, are you alright?" the tall faceless streamer asked, Tommy just nodded and rubbed his eyes.
"That was fuckin' awesome!" Billzo exclaimed, clearly bot understanding the situation at hand.
"Who wants to go out for pizza?" Dan asked, he was one the blonde boys heroes that helped him become who he is today. Well, him and the YouTube hypixel(?) rank.
"Yeah sure, you too Tommy?" Ranboo asked the mentioned boy. Tommy just shook his head, and started tugging slightly at his shirt due to nerves.
"Hey Toms, wanna stay at mine tonight?" Jack asked the blonde, trying to distract him after noticing the fidgeting. Tommy decided he wanted Jack to stay over instead, he also wanted Ranboo, but he was busy that night at home, he had a fun stream planned.

They all went for food and everything was normal, no issues well other than Tommy's quietness. This worried Jack, as he knew the boy struggled with his image, he wanted to come across as a character but not be an actual mean person. Tommy had a dark humour, this was evident in his streams, videos and meet and greets.

It was late, really late by the time they arrived at Jack's home.
"Toms, would you like a drink? I noticed you didn't drink much when we were out." Jack said, clearly worried about the boy. Tommy in response shook his head, and just sat on the sofa, looking miserable.
"Toms, what's wrong? If something is bothering you, you can come to me, as your friend or even as your Papa." the caregiver spoke, showing the boy that if he ever wanted to be in his safe headspace, it was okay and that he was safe with his friend.

Tommy whined, teary eyed. He just sat and stared at the wall, pouting, fiddling with his fingers. The boy was feeling much more fuzzy now he's with his caregiver and away from onlookers.

"Toms, you can talk to me." Jack spoke reassuringly, walking over to Tommy and sitting down in front of the distressed blonde.
"No! No! No! Nooo!" Tommy yelled, stomping and flailing his arms around. The caregiver had to hold his wrists and speak firmly.
"No, that's naughty and not nice, Tommy. You could've hit me, that's not nice, I'd like an apology, please?"
"'M sorry.." He spoke, barely above a whisper. Tommy didn't want to admit it, he hated being so vulnerable in public.
But we're not in public anymore, he wouldn't mind.. but if he did then I'd be pathetic.. don't wanna be silly with my emotions..

"I.. havin' issues.. Papa.." Tommy spoke, his voice hoarse from lack of speech. He attempted to clear his throat but struggled since he was close to tears.
"Oh, sweetheart. You can always tell Papa when something bothers you or you want to be small. What's the issue, bubs?" Jack asked reassuringly, luckily for him it coaxed the infant minded to speak out about his issues.
"Papa, I got sad 'cause I made Papa the bad guy in my show.." Tommy whined, changing his 'th's' into 'd' sounds with an added lisp.
The clearly regressed boy made grabby hands for his caregiver, tears finally falling down his face.
"Aw big man, no, you didn't make Papa the baddie. You made Papa all fun and I got to spend time with my little one, now lets go get you all comfy, hm?"


Once the mentally smaller boy was changed, he still wasn't entirely happy. He sat on the sofa still looking upset.
"Big man, you ok?" Jack asked Tommy, the boy crying.
"You don' wan' me.. don' wan' a little.. 'm not good enough.. (You don't want me.. don't want a little.. I'm not good enough..)". Toms spoke.
"I do want you Toms, I always want my baby boy! Where'd this come from, Lovey?" The short man asked.
"Neva ask me if wan' be small.. jus' take care like have ta..(You never ask me if I would like to be small.. you just take care of me like you have to..)" The blonde ranted, tripping over words.
"C'mere. I never ask because it's your decision, I'm here to look after you, no matter what. I can't read that silly little mind of yours. Only you know when you can or want to be little. I can help you become little, I can help you out when you are little. But that's all I can do. It doesn't mean I love little you or big you any less, bud. You're my little man, and my best bud." The caregiver spoke comforting the blonde little.

The two boys sat and hugged for a while. Then they decided to watch Hocus Pocus, in preparation for the second that was to be released in a few months (or as I'm writing this, a week!).

Tommy sucked on his dummy, an Iron Man one (totally not because the one I have is an Iron Man one).
He also cuddled with his favourite doggy teddy that he named 'Mr Cookie' and a moth called 'Clem'.

Eventually the movie ended and the little one was fast asleep, cuddling his teddies and his caregiver. Jack thought about what an eventful day it was however Jack wouldn't want anything different, anything to make his best friend feel cared for.


I finished it! It's short and long overdue but I'm glad to finally get it out here! Also it's my birthday soon so, I'm releasing this the week before, exactly. I have a Mithzan oneshot book now and I'm going to post the oneshot on my birthday.

So enjoy!

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