Chapter 6 Tubbo?

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(Don't mind the song.....)

Clay's assassin group


Vincent's assassin group
•Tubbo (kinda)

The person in the bed was a young male maybe a year older than Tommy. He had medium brown hair and the outfit of someone who lived in one of the villages not far from here.

He started to move and opened his eyes, he stared at Phil for a few seconds before his eyes widened and he screamed. If he screamed any louder he could've busted someone's eardrums.

Vincent felt bad for Phil because he was right beside the boy. Phil instinctively covered himself with his wings and backed away.

Vincent ran up to him and covered his mouth. "Stop screaming!" When Vincent moved his hand the boy stared at him and backed himself to the wall.

At this point, Vincent realized Tommy was standing next to him. "Tom-" he started before getting cut off.

"Hi, I'm Tommy!" He said to the boy "I thought you were afraid of him?" Vincent asked.

Tommy froze for a second "weren't you the one call me yelling that Phil made you bring a random stranger to the base."

"...fuck you" and at this point, Phil had uncovered himself his wings now placed behind him again. "Tommy, you're scaring him".

"I am no- am I?" Tommy said turning towards the older boy. "N-no I'm just confused... w-where am I?" The boy asked. "You're in our base," Vincent said.

"I'm Vincent, that's Phil, Techno, Wilbur, and this is Tommy. You ran into them in the woods when referring to the all you can call them the Sleepybois inc. I still don't know why you call yourselves that." Vincent said

"Ask that thing," Techno said pointing towards Tommy "also...." Techno trailed off and smirked. "Techno no!" Phil exclaimed.

Techno stared at Tubbo "are you an orphan?" Techno asked "TECHNOBLADE!" Vincent snapped.

Techno for some reason flinched.

"You don't wanna answer that," Vincent said to the boy "well what's your name?"

"T-Toby but you can call me Tubbo," He said "nice to meet you Tubbo. Do you wanna go home-"

"NO!" Tubbo exclaimed then started hyperventilating, Tommy ran to him and hugged him. Tubbo hugged back and started crying. "Are you ok?" Tommy asked.

"I'm fine just some family problems...."

"Alright!, come on!" Tommy said dragging Tubbo out of the room.

"Weirdo..." Techno said "I can't tell if you're talking about Tubbo or Tommy" Wilbur commented.

"Both" Techno replied, this made Wilbur nod. Wilbur was sitting in a chair so he stood up and walked up to Techno.

"You need to stop," Vincent said, Techno turned towards him and asked, "stop what?".

"Asking people if they're orphans..." Phil chimed in before Vincent.

"Oh, that yeah I have some problems" Techno admitted. Vincent only sighed in response.

"Well we need to talk about the thing," Wilbur said gaining everyone's attention. "What thing?" Techno asked Wilbur replied with "you know the thing" he repeated.

"Ohhhh that thing yeah we need to talk about that" Techno said.

With Tommy and Tubbo

"And this is the kitchen!" Tommy excitedly said. Tubbo followed him inside, the room had white walls and counters.

"Wow," Tubbo said amazed "it's huge!" Tommy giggled "I know!".

Tommy turned towards Tubbo and smiled I should probably introduce myself properly".

"I'm Tommy, the bases medic," He said holding his hand out towards the brunette.

"Tubbo" Tubbo said, hesitantly shaking Tommy's hand. "Say you need a new outfit, there's just one more place you haven't seen. Come on". Tommy excitedly exclaimed dragging Tubbo with him.

With The sleepy boos inc. + Vincent

"That's an interesting plan," Wilbur said, "there's going to be so much damage!" Techno smirked.

"But could we pull it off? It seems risky" Phil asked concernedly.

"Of course! Phil, did you hit your head?" Techno said tapping Phil on his forehead. "we're the Sleepy Bois Inc for God's sake, the best team in the entire assassin guild."

Phil still didn't look convinced "I mean blowing up the-" Phil stated only getting cut off by Techno placing a finger over his lips.

Phil looked confused before he spotted Tommy and Tubbo. Tubbo and Tommy were now standing in the room.

Neither seemed phased so Phil guessed they hadn't heated. He gave a silent sigh of relief, the plan would be too much for him to know.

Knowing Tommy he'd probably fuck it up with his reckless nature. It's not like Phil hates Tommy he loves his children. It's just Tommy's nature puts him in dangerous situations.

Not to mention his addiction to blowing shit up. "What are you guys still doing in here?. I thought you would've already gone to do stuff" Tommy asked.

"We we're just talking about your new friend!" Wilbur lied. He turned to Tubbo and continued. "Anyways seeing as you don't want to go home how about you stay here?. You can stay in Tommy's room until we get one set up for you."

"Yay!" Tommy and Tubbo both exclaimed before running off somewhere. Techno was the first to exit the room, followed by Wilbur.

Now Vincent and Phil were the only ones left in the room. Vincent had a bad feeling that Techno would try to pull something out of line.

"Phil," Vincent said "yes?" The older replied. "Keep an eye on Techno I have a bad feeling," Vincent said. "yes boss" Phil replied before walking out of the room quickly.

Vincent sighed before finally leaving however even with Phil monitoring Techno he still had a bad feeling in his gut.

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