Yeonjun loved art. The emotions, pencil traces,brush strokes, he loved it all. He always had his sketchbook with him where ever he went.
One day he meets the bunny while at his locker. But what happens when leaving the bunny's house after a night ov...
I was early for school so I sat down drawing whatever into my book. I loved art. It was my favorite subject. It was a new school year and I was in year 3, one more year left till graduation.
To be real I was nervous, kinda silly, right? But days like this always bugged me, events, first days basically anything related to this. I was sketching a tiny white flower, its petals were spread out like a little umbrella.
I was swinging my legs back and forth with a little smile on my face as I was detailing it. I heard footsteps but didn't mind them. I continued to draw as a huge black shadow covered me.
"huh?" I whispered I turned around slowly. "Hey, Junnie!" it was Jisung. "hey, Hannie why are you here early your always late for stuff?" I moved my bag closer to me for Jisung to sit.
"of course your drawing as expected from our Junnie" he laughed. "so what all you ever do is text your boyfriends non stop, at least I'm connecting with nature" I said with a bit of a giggle. I shook my head as I continued drawing.
"at least I socialize with other people" he said sticking out his tongue. "but anyways I thought I get here early cause I figured you'd here and I was right" he smiled. I just rolled my eyes. I pulled out my color pencils and started to color it in. "damn you got any paintbrushes and paint bottles in there as well?" Jisung asked as he looked through my bag.
"OH, YOUR MOMS COOKIES!! mine now" he said and grabbed the wrapped up cookies and took one and started to eat it. "sure take them mom made a lot yesterday so I have more at home." I said.
"i saw some new kid on the way here" he was mumbling from the cookie bites. "new kid?" i asked. "mhm he looked really tall like about 5'11 to 6'0" he said.
I was curious in seeing how this would go. "he looked like a bunny, mostly his lips is what gave off that look" he went into his camera roll. I leaned in for a closer view. "see look" he showed me a photo of him.
It was in front of the school doors. He was right, the guy did look really tall but his side profile was something else.
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"oh? does Junnie hyung have a crush on new kid?" he teased. "what no I was just staring at the photo just like you" I got embarrassed. But it felt like I was lying. Weird. "he kinda does look like a bunny but how close did you get to him to get good of a photo?" I questioned.
Jisung had a thing for photography so I wasn't surprised but the photo was a bit close up. "I had to jog up a bit but mostly my amazing photo skills' he proudly answered. I laughed it off. I went back to my art and moments later I felt a vibration from my bag.
I pulled out my phone and opened my phone. "Hannie~" I whined. he sent the photo of the boy to me. "just incase you wanna look at him all day long cause he's gonne be stuck in your mind" he laughed. "shut up" I elbowed him.
I put my phone away and continued on my art. "heh Junnie has a crush on a guy he hasn't even met" he teased. Was he right? i wasn't so sure. "nah plus your the one who took that photo do you like him?" I asked rising up my eyebrow.
"what no I thought he looked your type plus i got two boyfriends that's enough for me" He said. "awww Hannie was thinking about me how cute" I smiled pinching his cheek. "but your not wrong he kinda does look like my type" I added.
"ow Junnie you pinch to hard" he pouted rubbing his cheek. I went back to focusing on my art. later on more and more people came and the bell rang. "see you later Junnie" Jisung said as he got up from the bench and pulled out his list of classes he had.
"bye Hannie" I waved. I put my stuff away and took my list of classes I walked through the crowd of people. "excuse me, sorry, excuse me" and on and on I kept saying that. "102, 103,104....106!" I was happy to finally see my class.
I went to sit at the back of the class. Nobody really say there also because i was tall so I would usually block peoples view.