Yeonjun loved art. The emotions, pencil traces,brush strokes, he loved it all. He always had his sketchbook with him where ever he went.
One day he meets the bunny while at his locker. But what happens when leaving the bunny's house after a night ov...
For the next two weeks I wasn't at my best. It was hard to focus,eat or sleep. I couldn't do anything. I was still heartbroken about Soobin. He still was with her. But when he looked at me he seem so apologetic for no reason making me feel bad about myself for liking him.
So I decided to ignore him. No more talking, no more texting, no more contact. This way I could be able to move on. It was hard to do but I had to do it.
I stopped wearing his sweater and didn't bother to look for the book anymore. Han had told me Soobins dad was back so he had to be away from school for a bit. It was a good opportunity to calm myself down.
It was Monday the start of the third week without Soobin. "Hey Yeonjun" Beomgyu was with me. "Hey" I said. "You ok?" He asked. We both took a seat in class. "Better then before but not really" I answered.
He sat back and sighed. "Wanna do something stupid?" He questioned. "Like what?" He quitely lifted up his bag. "I thought maybe we could be RM and V. Just once" he opened his bag and revealed spray paint bottles and gas masks.
"A few blocks down there this empty brick wall. We could you know... decorate it a bit" he smiled. "Make it less boring" he closed up his bag and looked at me. "So what do you say Junnie?"
"Yes" I need something to get me off my mind. "Let's do it" I was excited. "Great think of ideas and after school we can go" he said. "What about our clothes?" I asked. "We'll decorate them too" we both were happy.
After school he took me the wall. I put my bag to the side and Beomgyu opened his bag. "Ok Junnie?" He threw the gas mask and black spray paint. "Let's make some art" he laughed.
We both put our gas masks on. I used the darker colors for the background. The both of us had sprayed them all over the wall. Then with yellow, green purple and orange we make messed up lines on the corners.
The both of us were laughing. "We are gonna get in so much trouble if we get caught" he said. " at least we had fun" I replied. The both of us wrote down words. I wrote "fuck love" for obvious reasons. And he wrote "fuck life"
"This is the first and last time I'm ever doing something like this" I said. "Agreed" he was shaking the bottle to finish off his writing.
In total the whole thing to around 2 hours cause of how big the wall was. The both of us stood back. Amazed and shock of what we did. "We forgot something" I grabbed the black paint can. "Our signatures" he said as he wrote his. "Oh right" I went beside him and once he was done I wrote mine.
( N/A Ik it's bad LMAOO)
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We took out our phones and took photos. "I have another stupid idea" I said. "And what would that be Junnie?" This wasn't the first time we did stupid things together we became best friends in middle school.
"Let's dye our hair" i looked at him. "yes" he was up for it. We packed up our things when to a store to dye the hair dye. "Our parents are gonna kill us" he said. "Nah my mom had been wanting to me to dye my hair the blue is getting a bit old" i said. "And my mom?" He asked.
"Just say black looks better on me" I put both hair dyed on the counter. "True.. meh ok" we paid for the dye and went my place. "Go change and just leave the stuff on the floor" I pointed toward the wall. He put his stuff downs sun ran into my room taking so bleached clothes I still had to dye my hair with.
I took off my sweater and shirt and but a black shirt one. "Ok let's get to work" I laughed. "Again!" Beomgyu added.