♡︎ Caught Feelings at first sight? ♡︎

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Jaxx's Pov:

"I guess I'll say good morning to new member?- Jaxx Says. -that's only if he's awake.."

Jaxx walks down the hallway, to Sora's door. /Jaxx's mind/ "Okay...Try not to awkward..? Oh God.." -knocks-

-Sora opens door-

/in mind/ I- he looks cute..Wait no- he's not..


/In Jaxx's Mind/ Did I catch feeling for Sora...? No...I just met him..But his smile..its adorable.

"Jaxx? Are you there?" Sora says.
/Jaxx's pov: / "Oh, sorry I zoned out. Yea?". "I was saying your cereal is going to get soggy-" Sora exclaims. "OH! Um- Thanks Sora". "Ofc!"

Alex walks in* "Oh I sed you guys jave met?". "Yeah! We are already friends! Even though we don't know a lot about each other.." Sora says cheerfully.

"Yeah-". "Well, that's good I guess, though you guys have time to get to know about each other". "Yeah! Come on Jaxx lets try to know each other before the video!"

"Alright, I guess. So...What's you favorite color?". "To be honest, it's blue, you?". "Red, What's your type? Like in people to date?" Sora blush's a little and looks away.. *Alex realizes what's happing*

"My type is-". Zach and Jade run downstairs yelling at each other with Charli, Light, Levi, Drake,and Luca behind them. "SHUT UP JADE". "NO YOU SHUT UP!!". They both laugh. Sora looks at Jaxx, while he looks at the group..

Sora and Jaxx finish thier cereal, and goes to clean thier bowls. "My Type is yo-" Sora gets cut off again by Zach yelling. "SHUT UP SIMP!" Zach Says as a joke and Laughs.

"I'M NOT A SIMP" Charli Yells back at Zach. Jaxx looks at Sora.. "HEY! CALM DOWN" Alex says trying to calm everyone down. Everyone: Yes Ma'am
"Thank you! Now meet Sora-"

Alex Singles Sora to Come. Sora walks over there* Light: "Didn't we already meet him already?". "Yes, but meet him again, I guess? Alright, Sora Introduce yourself!" Alex says.

"Hi? My name is Sora, and I like to make puns and jokes. I also like the color cyan/blue". As Sora talked Jaxx came over by Sora's Side and had put his hand on his shoulder.

Sora didn't notice at first but then he realized he was there when he finished talking. "Hey Sora? Weren't you going to tell Jax who was your 'type'" Alex says laughing.

"Oh- Uh...- Sora's face flush's red. -Yeah.. My Type is..." Sora Looks down. "My type is Kinda  Jaxx..." Sora's turns red from embarrassment. Jaxx blush's intensely. "R-really?". "Yeah..now if you excuse me, Im gonna go get ready"

"What did I do.." Alex whispers under her breath. Everyone else: Yeah, were gonna go get ready. "Okay"Alex says walking to her room.

Jaxx's Pov/Mind:

Wow..I can't believe I'm his type...Though he looked upset..I kinda understand. Love is hard..I can't have crush's, I know I'll get rejected. I kinda like boys more than girls, Tho I'm bisexual. I used to have a crush on this boy in middle school, but I knew he was straight..Someone told everyone I had a crush on Him..

when He found out he started to make fun of me for being bisexual. His name was Devon..I hardly have any crush's since then. Cause I couldn't really trust Myself...or others. I trust the squad Right now, witch is good. I had  crush on a girl too but, that was in elementary school. Her name was Melody..

She didn't like me back though. I don't know why love is so hard...I've been in two relationships. The first relationship was a bit abusive and loveable...The second was just someone using me to make thier ex jealous. It never really worked so they broke up with me.

I would manly come to this Place Because it would be so calm there, when it rained it was the most peaceful place to be. People went there a 2 years ago.. Then they stopped coming so it was better being there alone then with people.


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Devon Never Really found this place, so it was a good place to hide..He had beaten me up once..I had 6 scars,and 3 bruise's for 2 weeks. Those hurt like If someone was stabbing you.  I had a a blood nose and a black eye..too.

When he punched me It didn't hurt as much as the scars and bruises. Tho it caused me to have a black eye..

Jaxx's Pov/3rd person :

"I should talk to Sora, I wanna see if he's doing okay..I know I just met him but I already like him.."

Aright, Imma stop here, cause yeah ♡︎ Anyways, Loveee Youuu ♡︎ Have A good rest of your Day/Evening/Night ♡︎ت︎

Word Count: 818
                                Love, Willow♡︎

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