♡︎ before Joining ♡︎

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Sora's Pov/1st person:

Before I joined I used to live alone. I didn't have a neighborhood, I have the beautiful park, And I lived by a beach. I would go to the beach every night, I would also go to this spot.


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The waves at the beach were all soft, no rough ones at all. It would be calm everyday...I felt safe there.  Like I said before it wasn't easy making friends back at my old school. So, I decided I'd move states.

♫︎ <3 ♫︎

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♫︎ <3 ♫︎

I would take walks here everyday in the morning. It didn't feel lonely taking walks here, I was good with animals
So It was easy, having them not attack me there.

Honestly, it was fun having my own island. I had people ship goods to me, cause, I had nothing. I Would Also feed the animals, They're were mostly cats there for some reason.

After A while, I decided I'll would take two cats home. I had chosen a Black and white cat, and a ginger one.

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Visuals <3

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Visuals <3

I soon became a , Cat Dad. It was random..But I got used to being one. Later one passed away...It was my gingered cat. Her name was Serenity. My other one, was a boy named Oliver. He was alone for a while after Serenity passed.

But he got used to it. He also started to become an outside cat more..After a year, Oliver never wanted to come back. Like he didn't trust me. So, I'd had let him go, I would set food every through out the day to feed him and other animals.

After about 4 months I downloaded Roblox. I guess it was fun? To be honest...It wasn't that fun. I played alone everyday. Though, I was used to it.

Probably a month later I met Alex. I got to become friends with her and we talked to each other, a lot. And join the squad!

She introduced me to everyone, they didn't know much about me..so it's probably why she made me introduce myself again.

I didn't mind, introducing myself. Again- But, I kinda felt embarrassed.

Sora's Pov/3rd person/ :

Sora lays on his bed and hears a knock on his door.

"Oh, uh Come in!" Sora says as, he looks at the window and cleans his face up with his sleeves.

*Someone opens the door*

"Hey, uh- Sora..are you ok?" Jaxx walks in closing the door behind him. Sora turns his head to see who it is.

"Huh? OH! Uh...Yeah I guess, I am?" Sora turns his head back to the window.

*Jaxx walks over, and sits by Sora*

"Look at me.. Don't lie to me"

"I-   'Sora looks at him, and his cheeks turn red'  -Okay.. I'm not, I feel embarrassed from what happened in the kitchen..I also feel like everyone will make fun of me"

*Jaxx grabs Sora's hand*

Jaxx chuckles, and makes eye contact with Sora.. "I promise you to the moon and back, with all my heart..

Cringe moment 🕳️👩‍🦯

No one here makes fun of anyone. Yes, we kinda do but as a joke. No of us care who your type is or what your sexuality, gender is. We respect everyone here!" Jaxx smiles.

"Promise..?" Sora responds.


*Sora smiles softly and hugs Jaxx*

*Jaxx hugs back in shock*(Cause that's the way we roll 🐱) "Are you feeling better, now?" ....Sora lets go of Jaxx and Gives a warm smile. "Yeah, a bit. Still kinda embarrassed, and sorry for hugging you."

"No, your fine, and ok!" Jaxx says as he lays on Sora's bed. "Also, I know your personality so that's why I said you...Alex told me"

"Really? I didn't know she knew my personality THAT, THAT well". 

"Yeah...Hey! Are you trying to nap, in my bed? You have you-"

"Only if you don't mind"

Sora's face flush's red and looks away. "No! Not at all! Though, Imma nap in your bed cause I'm tired too.."

"No, your not- cause your...  'Jaxx says sitting up, laying Sora on his bed and goes to lie beside him'

-..napping with me"

"O-kay" Sora says in shock

Sora's Pov/1st person/ :


NOW I'M SIMPING- It's worse when your also a flirty type of person too...Forget it I won't blame Alex-"

Sora's Pov/3rd person/ :

"Hey Jaxx? ... Jaxxxx? Nvm, he is probably sleeping already"

Sora's mind:

He is so warm...his hand was too.. Oh well-

Sora's pov/3rd person?/ :

Jaxx gabs Sora closer to him and holds him in his arms while falling back to sleep. Sora falls asleep in his arms and forgets about everything else, but...

Jaxx and Him...

♡︎Hi! I'm sorry I didn't do anything the past weeks/month, I didn't have any motivation, I am very sorry<3 Also please no follows if your planning (?) I'm fine with no follows rn <3 Anyways Love you♡︎

Word count: 862 ♡︎

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