<3 Dream or Future? <3

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Jaxx's Pov/1st person/ :
Jaxx's dream:

"Hey, Babe!"

"Wha-?" Jaxx responds opening his eyes. *In his dream*

"Uh, Love? You okay?"

Jaxx Opens his eyes to see Sora making ramen in the kitchen. And sees himself sitting down.


"Yes, Love?" Sora responds confused..

"What do you mean by 'Love'..?"

"We are married, dummy" Sora giggles, looks at Jaxx and gives a warm, soft smile

"Wait- R-really? Is this a dream or is it real?" *Jaxx's face flush's red*

"It's real? Are you okay?"

"Yeah, Sorry...I had a dizzy spell and lost something for a minute"

"Oh, Okay! I know you didn't want Ramen, But the ramen will be done in a bit" Sora walks to Jaxx and gives a kiss on the forehead, then walks away...

Jaxx's Mind:

Is this my future? No...I doubt it..this has to be a dream. There's no way This is my future nor real.. Even if it was real or my future..I can't doubt it.

Out of Jaxx's Dream/1st person/ :

Jaxx wakes up, and sits up.

Sora is still sleeping..Uh, what time is it?

Jaxx checks his phone to see its 10:28 pm.

10?! Damn...Whatever, its fine. I'll just go back to sleep, I'm sure Sora, wouldn't mind if I slept with him..Right? I guess-

Jaxx lays back down, and puts his arm around Sora. Though, Sora puts his hand on Jaxx's hands and gives his soft smile while sleeping.

Jaxx's Pov/3rd person/ :

Jaxx wakes up, and doesn't see Sora in bed. Jaxx sits up, gets up, and goes to find Sora.

"I never got Sora's number.." Jaxx says looking at his phone. "Welp, finding Sora won't be easy.." Jaxx walks out of Sora's room into his own room.

Jaxx changes, and looks for Sora in the  House. "where is he.." Jaxx whispers under his breathe, looking at the window..Jaxx Hears a noise and moves away from the window

Jaxx looks around and sees nothing..

With Sora..

Sora looks at the sky, looks at the trees and looks back, then closes his eyes

Sora rest's his eyes, and then falls asleep..

"Hey, babe!" Sora looks at Jaxx cheerfully. Jaxx walks to him in the kitchen, Looks at him and gives a sweet smile.. "Hi, Love"

"Im making ramen want any? " Sora responds... "No, thanks" Jaxx gives a kiss on Sora's forehead and goes sit down at the table..

Jaxx falls asleep for a but then wakes up..

"Hey, babe!" Sora taps on his shoulder.. Jaxx opens his eyes. "Wha-?" Jaxx looks confused

"Uh, Love? you okay?".  "S-Sora? " ... "Yes, love? " Sora says confused

"What do u mean by "Love"? "

"Were married dummy" Sora giggle, looks at, Jaxx, and gives a warm soft smile

"Wait- R-really? Is this a dream or is it real?" Jaxx's face flushing red immediately...

"It's real? Are you okay?" Sira says concerned

"Yea,Sorry, I had a dizzy spell and lost something for a minute"

"Oh Ok! I know you didn't want Ramen, but it will be ready in a bit" Sora walks to Jaxx and Gives him a Kiss on his forehead, then walks away

Sora wakes up in surprise, and quickly sits straight up
/Sora's Pov/ 1st person/:

What Was that.. Never mind, I probably I just have a little feelings for Jaxx...? I mean I do, But married? I shouldn't think much of it.. I should also probably go back home..

Sora Gets up and Heads Home..

Sora walks in and Sees Jaxx sitting at the Table head down crying..

Sora's pov/ Third person:

"JAXX?! ARE YOU OKAY?! " Sora runs to Jaxx touching his hair..

Jaxx surprisingly sits up and gets up from his chair.. Then he pushes Sora to the wall nearby and Pins him..

"Don't you dare leave like that again..The squad was worried about you, they are in their rooms worried.. "
Jaxx Looks at Sora's eyes and Flushes red but turns his head to his shoulder so he doesn't notice, then wipes his face from crying

"I- Im Sorry..Can you bend down for a sec" Jaxx bends down, then Sora Looks At him, gets near his face, and kisses him on the cheek..Jaxx Turns his head to Sora and Flushes red immediately again.. "I- Uh-"

"S-SORRY!" Sora Flushes red and looks away.. "You're fine" Jaxx mumbles under his breath Then gets back to his regular height..Jaxx looks at Sora, grabs his chin, lifts it up and kisses him on the lips..

Sora kisses him back and Closes his eyes.. Sora then gets on his tippy toes and outs his arm around Jaxx's neck

Alex Comes out of her room goes down down stairs.. "Jaxx have you seen Sor-"
She then sees Jax and Sora kisses.. "Ooo" She then goes back up.

Hi Guys! I haven't been on here bc j then again have no motivation at all.. and I have heard the Zach and Alex drama witch made me upset and had no motivation again.. I am truly sorry..
I Won't be using Zach nor Jade in this Story anymore, I yet again apologize for not being on here and for using Zach and Jade tho I didn't know till Alex had Spoke up. I hope you understand... She may have been talking about her ex from the past.. But she isn't...I really don't think Alex is Lying even though she might be, but I jave been watching her since 2014 and I know she has no reason to lie about this at All... But still Im giving Zach By the end if this month to Tell us his side of the story Or I will no longer trust him..Also ty for the Follows I didn't need it, But ty <3 I love you all.. And if you reading this Ty you for Reading this was important and I thought it needed to be said, Ty for taking the time to read this, I love you guys So much<3


Word Count: 1015

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2021 ⏰

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