♡︎ Best friend...♡︎

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♡︎ NEW POV ♡︎
Levi's pov/1st person/ :

For some reason Alex trusts me to be in charge? I'll accept that. But I don't know if its me but Alex looked cute today? No.. maybe I'm just sick? I don't like her! I refuse..she has a boyfriend..Does she?

Alex never really told us about the rumors, Though I do think they broke up? They unfollowed each other on every social media they have. But even if they did break up I still refuse to like her...

God dammit..She keeps popping up in my head. Alex is my only best friend.. the others are my friends..Honestly Best friends are way more important. I don't wanna break the friendship between us.. I'll make my life rough by being alone..

I really need to stop thinking negative, I'll just tell her, when its right. Well I guess I'll go watch everybody. Levi opens his door, walks and closes it.

Downstairs we go..

Downstairs we go

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︎Levi's room, real quick♡︎

-Levi Sighs and Remembers what his room looks like while sitting on the couch-

-Levi Sighs and Remembers what his room looks like while sitting on the couch-

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♡︎Living Room♡︎

My room is sorta a mess from Jade..She found my diary and tried to read it, I was able to get it before she could open it.

My past Wasn't that bad as the others, But randomly for all of us it was hard making friends? I didn't really have any crush's in school. Honestly None of girls at my schools from 1st-12th weren't really my type.

I never got bullied either, I was the ''Popular" kid at school, for being Hot?? The two things girls didn't like about me was, me being shy and bandages. I have to change my bandages every twice a month..

The reason I have these is because of a fire. My brother somehow started a fire and my parents were out of the house not bothering to get my baby sister nor my little brother...After The fire fighters came and had put out the fire.

My arms are the only thing that touched the fire, I was able to be careful most of the time. My Baby sister died...She was 3 at the time. My parents  left me and my brother because they hated both of us. I honestly don't know why..

I didn't have any family near me they all lived in different states, I was able to take care of me and my brother, by my self. My brother was popular too and had lots of friends but then someone had murdered him..

The police found who it was and arrested them, of course. That happended when I was in High school and he was in middle school. I wasn't good at making friends but I never really liked people as much my brother did.

I didn't like the attention, to be honest it felt weird just have people surrounding
you, and get attention. I felt uncomfortable for some reason. But no matter what or what I did, I was still popular.

But that's all about my past. I'm sure I hid it good this time...

Levi's Pov/3rd person :

"It's so quiet...Maybe they are all taking a nap. Oh well."

Levi gets his phone and checks to see if Alex has posted the video.

"She didn't post it? I'll go tell her" Levi says as He gets up and goes upstairs.

-Knocks Alex's door- "Alex?". After a minute he opens the door and softly wakes up Alex. "Alexxx?"

Alex wakes up, and sits down. "Yeah, Levi?". Alex says rubbing her eyes. Levi chuckles, "You didn't post the video

"Right, I forgot! Can you post it for me? I'm really tired.".

"Sure,"princess"..." Levi responds. Alex yawns- lays back down, and closes her eyes. "Thank you"

Levi looks at her as she slowly falls asleep and gives a warm smile. "Your welcome" Levi whispers under his breath. Levi gets up and goes to her desk.

Levi's Pov/1st person :

She was going to post it, but I guess she forgot like she said- Eh.  -Levi posts it, and randomly the app closes-  ...Levi looks at her wallpaper and sees that its
Him and Alex together.

Cute...wait what's that? Levi sees a note to the side saying "4 Lifers ♡︎"

(That was cringy)

Levi's faces turns a little red, but he manged calm himself. He opens youtube and checks if it posted.

Okay..Now that it is posted I should definitely go. Levi looks at Alex and goes to her. He grabs a blanket and covers her up, and then..leans down to her and gives her a soft kiss on her forehead.

Levi gets to his normal height and walks put the room closing the door quietly. 

Levi's pov/3rd person :

Levi hears something from his room and goes to see what it is. He opens his door and see Jade. "JADE?".

She stops moving and moves away from his desk. "Oh..Heyy?" . "What are you doing?".

"Nothing, why?". Jade responds. "Because you look like your trying to find something? Just go...".  "Ughh, Finee". Jade walks out leaving the door cracked.. -Levi closes the door and sighs-

Ok A good time to stop here♡︎ I don't know if I ship it or not please don't attack me♡︎ Love you❦︎

Word count: 898

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