"something is not right"

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Luke's POV

After 4 days, i didn't really seeking a move on in my life. i have been crushing to Zander for years by now, and looks like he likes someone else. I Continuely stared at Jake, I can't help how upset i am.

It feels like it was the end now. but for my close research i have a crush on Stacy also. At the fact i am here not communicating to the other people in the music club, Bc i might let out tears.

Hailey stared at me and come up to me noticed that i have a moody face

"hey Luke... I know uh you might don't wanna talk now, but what's wrong? You've been acting weird lately.." that club president said with a Worried tone.

"oh. It's kind of slight personal.." i said as an excuse to avoid this conversation

"oh... I am sorry then, You wanna talk with us?"

"i am sorry but ill be hanging out with someone else." I said with my low tone and decide to leave the room

Ugh that was embarrasing, i know that Hailey is just trying to help but- it seems i might dont want her help or she'll know why i am Acting like this all day

i see Stacy walk pass by.. maybe..
"Hey Stacy"

"Oh Luke!" She replied with a shock tone

"oh..did i scare you?" With a slight giggle

"hm. Maybe."

"You know something my voice is not supposed to be scary right?"

"yeah, yeah.. just got scared bc you apperead out of nowhere."

"oh is that so? Pfft.. thought you noticed i was coming towards to you" making my move to tease her

"Not everything will be as expected you know!!"

"Haha.. okay"

As soon i was talking with Stacy, she seems a fun person.. as soon were in the middle of me teasing.. i begining to bring her to the music club

"Hey uh Stacy?"


"You might want to go to the music club?" I said

"well sure!"

Since she agreed, I lead her to the music room, And before i EVEN said anything as i stared right now is.. Jake and Zander? Kissing? ...

I began to be silent, Tears come out my face with suprised and Stacy glared at me and also seen it and bring me to somewhere they cannot see us

"Hey hey there Luke you okay??" She said in a very worried tone

"I- I---" i was trying to make a word but i seemed can't by this all pain all of inside me.. no.. NO...

Before i said something towards to her, Jake came out and saw me and Stacy..

Jake Runs towards to me, looks like he's very worried for what happened but i am pretty sure, he didn't know.

Jake's POV

Why is luke crying? Did something happened? I run towards to him and started a conversation by saying..

"Hey Luke?.. what happened? Who did this to you?"

"...?" He replied.

I hugged him just to comfort him.. he looks he's fine into my arms and i asked again

"What happened to you?"

"You and...uh.."

He looks like he's very silent, I knew it he was acting very weird today, when he said me and.. i came up to my mind that its might be Zander, since we just dated..

Is it Zander?.. if it's i might have a suspection that he likes one of us for years and seemed might can't let go..

"Hey we can talk about this.."

".. why?"

"Well.. you are my friend.. so.. i will try to comfort you :>"

"..oh.. its fine.. you don't have too.."

"No no, I wanted to do this."

"Is it?" He said

"yeah.. how about we talk about this with zand-"

"WHAT NO, hHahHa No!" he cutted my words suddenly

Now i know why. I think something is happening between them huh?

Zander's POV

Jake is been out for minutes now.. i might have to Seek for him and neither Luke, he's been not talking to us lately made me worried, Even that he already made me worried 4 days ago

I walked out the music club to look for them
And just to see Jake hugging Luke, And Luke is crying?, Oh gosh.. what is happening now??, Luke seemed noticed me and tried to hide

Why he is hiding? I walked to them and Luke walk back away with Stacy hold her hand and runaway with her..

Does he hate me or something? I soon glared at my boyfriend and nodded to chase him over, damn this looks like whole scene of a dramatic movie.

Soon Jake shouted
"Luke! WAIT!!"

Luke still is running, And i might can't keep up.. damn.. he runs that fast huh?, But so sudden Stacy stopped him from running, thank goodness, I ran to him, just to get a heavy breath and make up my words

" Luke stop running, i don't have this all day okay?"

"Zander..? just go.. no need to worry me!" He sooned to fake smile at me

"Luke. I am not an idiot, What happened to you?"

Luke seemed scared to say what happened, is he okay? He looked like he lost everything and feels like the end, Stacy is just there hugging him in the back

"Seriously, are you okay?"

".. mm.. no.?" He began to be honest.

"Ok.. what HAPPENED?"

Luke's POV

Should i tell him?, it's better to let go of this feeling ..

"Zander.. Ok DAMN IT, I LIKE YOU OKAY?!"

Zander seemed sudden shock by what i say
Also Jake, after that Jake looked like he did something wrong and i know i didn't feel the same way.. but..

"Oh.. Luke? I- I'm very sorry.." he soon said


I began to be kind of slight mad and have the urge to have a fight with Jake but its not the right time and it's the good thing to do.
Violence cannot fix anything

"Luke.. I- i didn't know!" Jake said

"you don't have too. And now you do.., Just take care of him"

"O-okay.." He seems scared by how mad i was. Huh? Akward..

I walked away from them and said quietly
"Okay this day is ruined i want to move on to the next day."

Good thing this was the time of end of school. And our teacher announced soon will be going grade 12th. She said not everyone gratuated since some of the students did not do great

I was just staring at the sky.. and soon Stacy showed up and stacy only and tried to comfort me.. great..

I guess it's not a problem..

~End of Chapther 5~

Author: ty for reading chapther 5! :D
(Ayo another 1000+ words)

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