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Stacy's POV

After that disaster, Luke have been silent lately, he havent talk to me, he didn't ever show up in school, how strange. He dont even text me back, Zander have the same problem too,It's kind off Dissapointing how he got this way. We could've just talk about it than silent, Hailey can't even think a plan to put Luke in the drummers section with no problem but for these days i don't think is going to happen

~That evening~

It's sunny bright here, nothing much better than steam myself with Sun haha totally not suffering with sweat, i walk pass by Luke's house, should i go in?

I personally don't know, and i am not going there to bother him, i only want to be him to be himself again. I am infront of the door just to think should i.. knock? Maybe it's for the best.

I knocked the door and i heard someone went to downstairs, to open the door, they look seem upset, when they open the door is surprisingly Hailey? Why is she here, when she glared at me thought that i was someone else she kind off shocked/suprised i am here, She didn't expect for me to come, She said "come on in." I walk to the house took my shoes off, and sat One of the chairs with Hailey infront of me glaring at me, i knew she was about to say something about him but we stare quietly. tf is this? A staring contest?, before she said a word, i began to say few of questions why is she here, After she explains what is she here for…

She have the same idea as mine, But she did it first! Oh how unexpected, thought she was going to commit arson everywhere around Luke To- okay i am going too far. "You wanna meet him?" she said with that dead expression, "yeah sure.." i replied, Hailey lead me to his room but it was locked, looks like he lock himself in bc he was too sad to come out and move on. "hello Luke??" Hailey shouted to his room, No response. Hailey glared to me sighed, and told me hey.. maybe you wanna get a drink first? You seemed tired. And where that they come from? Maybe i should get rest after All that walking. We went downstairs to get a glass of lemon water. Fresh!  I like it

We sat together on the couch just to wait Luke to come up from his room.

~Few Minutes later~

Stacy's POV

It's already been 32 minutes.. he already got out from his room look dead and just woke from a nap, gone downstairs just to see us glared at him akwardly, he was kind of suprised that i was there, And soon look away and head to the kitchen where he found our glass that we drank with, and he go to the fridge pour regular water and drink it, And to say "Why it taste lemon-ish", Hailey began to sweat and while me confused and didn't say a word, he come up to us and say "Do you drink my homemade Lemon water that i was about to drink" with a suspicious look to our face

Hailey replied "haha ofc not", looks like we are not supposed To drink it, And for my honest girl as my self "yeah we did." Luke was confused who to believe and Hailey is glaring like she was giving me a death stare made me kind of slight scared, Luke decide to shrug and Put down the glass just to sit with us in the couch to watch television, and surprising he is sitting with me made me blush alot.. ugh.. Not now!! We are just enjoying ourselves in this one couch and one television, good thing he got healed that what happened earlier.

After that stuff, Luke wanted to show me stuff that he wanted to takes to me WITHOUT Hailey. Which kind of make me feel special, Don't know why i feel like that, i agreed and followed him and Hailey is just sitting there cannot her the tea she is going to miss. Luke bring me to his room and locked it, made me kind of scared what will gonna made it kind off stupid why am I scared of my own friend?, He began to sit on his desk work and want me to come over, just to spoil why I've been acting weird and Didn't came up to class made me kind of feel bad and comfort him.

We sit next to each other while me patting his shoulder, To comfort him and try to make him kind of slight better… In a middle of some comfort, Luke pat my head and made me really blushed, He's smile it's AAAAAAAAAAA, Luke glared me and let out a small wheeze and proceeds to tell "hey.., It's kind of getting dark why don't you go home?" oh wait? I looked at the time huh?! It's already 6 pm, i am kind of nervous since my parents don't like me being late.. ugh now i am in trouble

"oh it's 6 pm already.. well time go pass by so fast huh?"

"Yeah! haha" He laughed softly

Glad to see his gorgeous smile infront of me, i wish i have the courage to tell i loved him… em.. "well i have to go home now Luke.. heh" sighed, "oh alright then Stacy! Stay safe!" He replied, and hugged me before i go, em.. this feels nice.. aaa.. i got up and waved to him and set a goodbye, i went home and Arrived to my house, My parents opened the door and hugged me, and say "OMG WHERE WERE YOU?!" they shouted

"Well in Luke's house?"

"Oh.. why?"

"To heal him.."

~end of Chapther 6~

Ty for reading <3

(Edit: i just realized i erased some of the paragraphs >:(( )

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