Vacation (1)

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Stacy's POV

Its 4 am.., Outside is raining, can't sleep i don't know why. The outside is dark as the night sky hearing a drop of water from the sky satisfied me, usually.. most of the days are bright and sunny, silence and very hot. I opened the door to see if i can do something, while my parents are asleep. I am planning to make a sandwich to start the day, i am planning to take an easy of myself since i am clumsy when i got up from my sleep 

Got my knife, and my peanut butter jam, and also my favorite blueberry jam, i put blueberry jam on my bread and put peanut butter jam at the other bread, when i was about put the 2 bread together, I noticed that The peanut butter Jam looks a like to Luke's hair.., and that blueberry one looks like mine, and i began to blush for some reason and just mash it together and just enjoy and forget what i think last time

As much as i enjoy this sandwich, I also daydreamed alot of me and Luke in a nice relantionship, i would think we hangout and alot of things, while enjoying my sandwich noticed that it's already 5 am, huh?, That's fast.. i finished my sandwich and go to my room to get ready for a random hangout that Luke want me to be added in, it's just 2 of us, He said he wanted to invite Zander too but he has a date with Jake later, and can't come, huh how sad, we are going at 5:30 am and i don't wanna get late, i don't know why it's very early but he wanted me to go very early and packed everything include clothing like we're going to another country, but hm, Its already 5:23, and i heard a beep sound from the outside guessing it's a car, i picked my bags up and alot of clothes like he ordered, and it was Luke's mom picking me up.

She helped with my suitcase and my bags and we are on the way, he said it was a suprise that i have to see myself when I got there, Luke is still online messager, And i text "otw", he seen my message, and left me in read, tch how dare he, it is a long ride and i fall asleep 

~Time Skip~

I heard a horn from the car and a voice saying "hey wake up Stacy" looks like Luke's voice i got up and just to see Luke, oh.. I looked at the window, Why is he calling me, and.. WAIT WHAT AN AIRPORT?? IM- ARE WE REALLY GOING ON A VACATION, I mean i GET it that it's holiday for a long time BUT WHAT? i am just shocked while Luke just staring at me confusingly, and poke my cheek "hey hey, it's not the time, just to zoned out let's go!" He said, it was loud and clear and i stopped and got out from the car and us together picked up the suitcases and my bag.. i told my mom i am going out with Luke for 5 days in somewhere

We alone together going to the airport and did everything like scan stuff.. and like more.., He told me the plane will come at 7 am, Which is already 6:34 am, it's 26 more minutes we waited for the plane while sitting "together" on the seat, we are doing our own stuff, Luke is texting rest of his friends.. i also noticed that the band competition will start some weeks, he is ready.., and i see they're text, And looks like they're talking about the band and the vacation, While Jake and Zander dated together in a cafe.. hm. I wish i wasn't single, maybe i can do a really great date with someone, suddenly i heared a boarding call which i kind off suprised me i know it's like 26 minutes left but i didn't know it was like 15 seconds. We got up and do our stuff and go to the airplane, and oh boy.. ill be sitting with Luke for the flight made me flustered… 

We sit on our seats, Talking about the vacation were going to have! and i am just here got jealous because he is in the window seat! and i am on the middle seat which is not fair, He teased me and make me more jealous, there's not really much people in the plane.. i mean there is alot.. but it's not really crowded like the rest of the planed i have been in, and then the voice apperead again telling us to put our seatbelts and more safety stuff like a normal plane ride!, I was hyped were going to go "somewhere" that Luke want me and him go in!, and when the plane is about to take off, Luke fall asleep on my shoulder made me more flustered, i-i mean.. this is normal right?? 

I turned my devices to airplane mode and the plane take off. It's very bright and it's morning already, so i can see the clouds and enjoy the view, i began to be tired and sleep with Luke for the rest of the flight.

~hours later~

I woke up.. Luke still fallen asleep, is he that tired..? and then, the voice told us that were going to land on our destination. Which is suprisingly! We're going to France! It's a very common place that's been visited for couples.. hm why tho?, maybe he really want me to show the Eiffel tower perhaps? And yeah it is Paris.. nice! This is going to be an adventure while we are close, Luke woken up and Say "oh hello!" I replied back with the most common thing to reply a hello is a.. "hi", yep.. very boring., And then we started a conversation, and while we're going down straight to the land

We did some stuff.. like.. play random mini games, with nothing draw together and more, When we are on the land, we stood up took our bags and left, ah the Paris.. it's nice to be here.., it's afternoon now, I can guess it was a long flight, We waited our bags in the airport, And grab them.. and more.. more.. waited for a pick up car to go to our next destination which is a hotel.. and yeah.. More stuff, we got to the hotel and dropped our stuff take the card from the hotel and find the room, and it is a loooong way, when we finally got in to our room, just to be greatful it's actually a seperated bed (2 beds) made me thought were going to be having one large bed.. we plans some stuff.. and more.. and this is a start of our date- no i mean vacation is Paris!

~End of Chapther 8~

(Ty for reading chapther 8)

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