Chapter Six, Part Two

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The time came when Jezebel had to go back home. Her father was dying and he wanted her back. She couldn't refuse, she understood that it would be good for her father to see her again. Although he wasn't a good person, she still loved him. So she made her way back, going on her second plane trip. Her family picked her up and she was self-conscious because she wasn't sure if her father would approve the way she looked; she had changed a lot since leaving. But he welcomed her, to her relief. But even though he did, she wasn't sure she accepted him, as she never had before, especially now that she was sure he was something called a Draconian. Those were bad, from what she read. She remembered that night when she was young, knowing he was something evil. But maybe he was different. She wanted to believe so. Something about him made her think so.

Life was a little different now that he wasn't in good health. He was always in and out of the hospital and when he was in it Jezebel could still be herself. She had been told he had cancer right away, and her heart went out to him, but perhaps it was a blessing, for her family. She was torn. No one should have to go through that, it was ultimately horrible. She would talk on the phone and tell him she loved her, but at times his health was so bad that he couldn't understand her. It broke her heart.

Aside from the depressing situation, she would now dress and act like she wanted. It influenced Belinda immensely. Jezebel never expected her sweet little sister to be into such hardcore stuff, but she was. Her sweet Vegan sister. Because Jezebel was certain she was Vegan. Her peaceful and creative sister. Belinda was an artist, an exceptionally good one. And whenever Jezebel had a vivid dream Belinda would draw it for her. She once asked her to draw five beings, each with a different symbol on their chest. An ankh, a hill, a throne, a snake, and a quail. She had a feeling they meant something. The colors yellow, red, purple, blue, and green seemed to mean something too, and they accompanied those symbols. And when her father gave her a ring with gems of those colors it confirmed her suspicion. But what did it mean?

Her brother seemed to know what she was talking about when she spoke of those symbols and colors. He was a bit out there and would often talk about grills and tigers and roses. About meanings behind them. She didn't understand, it all seemed like nonsense. But when he swore there was something about butterflies she realized maybe he was right, her father would always call Belinda his butterfly. She felt crazy trying to put it all together, utterly confused and frustrated, having a feeling there had to be something up with her family. They just seemed different. She could feel their uniqueness, as though they weren't humans, but aliens. She could also sense a presence around them. Something was watching them. She could feel it in the corners of her room. She could feel eyes on her. She had heard about remote viewing, but who would be watching them? Especially her.

Eventually her father passed away and she cried hard, never feeling like she would care so much. It was a good thing though, her and her sister would be able to be what they wanted. Belinda became a famous artist and Jezebel was proud of her. But she was lost, she didn't know what to do or where to go in life. She had a lot of lingering mental issues, leading to her doing things she wished she hadn't. But when things got bad her sister was always there for her. Belinda did so much for her. She was so quiet, but so strong. Jezebel wished she felt that strong.

But she wasn't the only one who didn't feel strong, her brother Malthazar was so depressed that he took his own life. Something none of them expected. It was thought that it was his own mental state, the things that he spoke of driving him crazy. Jezebel feared for herself, thinking she might go crazy and go the way he did. But her mother told her, they three were the strong ones.

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