Lucky Coins

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It's not like Tsukishima had forgotten about his lunch date with his boyfriend, Kageyama. It was just that his brother had insisted on going out to breakfast together. Of course Tsukishima hadn't been thrilled in the slightest but what other choice did he have? He had tried to refuse but after using the same tactic over 10 times to ward off his older brother he had been dragged into a cafe against his will and was forced into light conversation with the older Tsukishima. Do to these circumstances he was now running down Kageyama's street, slight panic as he hoped the raven haired male wouldn't be too angry.

When Tsukishima rung the doorbell his heart pounded. In a matter of seconds the door had been flung open, revealing an annoyed looking Kageyama who was holding his phone and glaring at it with a fiery passion. 

"You are 20 minutes late. Minus 15 points." Kageyama said in a serious tone. He then plugged the numbers into the online calculator and read the point balance out to the blonde.

"I have 1,305 love points and you have 1,275 love points." the teen put his phone away and looked up at his boyfriend with a glare that melted with a simple glance.

"I'll earn the points back." Tsukishima assured as he took Kageyama by the wrist guiding him down the street into town where the two walked about for awhile until they spotted a nice food cart to get their lunch at. 

"What do you want Tobio?" Tsukishima wondered handing his boyfriend a menu for the two to share. Once the two boys had decided on what to order they talked to the woman running the food cart before heading to a bench to wait for their food. 

"It's a nice day." commented Kageyama looking out onto the passing people as they went about their weekend. Kageyama's hand drifted towards his boyfriends where they linked with each other making both smile contentedly. 

"So can you explain again why we have this silly point game?" Tsukishima asked looking at his boyfriend who turned his head away and blushed a vibrant shade of pink.

"Well I thought it was a good way of tracking a relationship. My parents are always going on about how to tell if your in a healthy relationship or not. I came up with the game in my head." Kageyama said in a small voice. It was true, his parents were the kind of people who consistently had the annoying relationship talk with you. 

The love point game was designed in a playful manner, whenever Tsukishima did something that Kageyama approved of or the other way around, they would award a certain amount of points depending on how effective the action was. It worked in the opposite way, if either of them did something that they didn't approve of for example, showing up to a date late or being rude or overly possessive, points would be taken away accordingly. 

The couple sat in silence waiting for their food. Tsukishima had already been told multiple times the reason behind the love point game and he found it both effective for they had easily picked out the moments when just a month ago their relationship had become a bit strained. Both of them had been below 500 points with Tsukishima at 415 and Kageyama at 445 points. They had decided that they needed to talk about what had been going on and it seemed to help. 

When the food was ready they gratefully took the food with Tsukishima insisting on paying for the meal which earned him 5 points.

"Thank you, have a nice day." Kageyama smiled at the woman serving food as the two walked down the street eating and making small talk about school and volleyball. 

"How'd you do on the test last week?" questioned Tsukishima smirking knowing full well this would send his boyfriend into a glum mood. Even though it sounded cruel, this was Tsuki's plan. If he wanted the desired effect upon showing Kageyama a very special and wonderful place. 

"Urg, I think I missed like, over have the questions or something." The setter whined head drooping down a bit. 

"Ah, don't be like that Tobio." teased Tsukishima making the setter groan in the burning agony of reliving the test. 

"Where are we going anyways?" Kageyama looked around him curiously. He had only once been in this part of town and even then the teen didn't remember much about it. In fact all he remembered was a flower shop located a block from where they were now. 

"A special place. Come this way." Tsukishima smiled taking his still slightly glum boyfriend and leading him towards the fountain where people threw coins in making a wish. When the two arrived at the desired location Kageyama gasped at the beauty his eyes lighting up watching the water. 

"This is beautiful..." whispered Kageyama taking a step forwards to touch the water which was cold yet welcoming.

The fountain, as Tsukishima remembered it was large with transparent pillars where you could watch the water spiral up them and spray out of fishes mouths. The water fell into tiny treasure chests where the water then poured out and back into the bottom of the fountain. At the bottom of the fountain were dozens and dozens of coins shiny in the early afternoon light. At night the fountain lit up in rainbow colors that spewed from the fishes mouths and the treasure chests.

"Do you have any pennies we can throw in?" Kageyama asked turning to Tsukishima with a hopefully glint in his eyes. Tsukishima nodded and fished out two pennies from his back pocket. 

"It's too bad we don't have lucky pennies." sighed Tsukishima handing one to Kageyama who held his hand out.

"Well I heard that if you pick up a penny it becomes lucky." Kageyama announced also taking Tsukishima's penny with his own. The teen opened his hand up and the two coins fell to the concrete with a small 'click' when they fell.

"What are you doing?" Tsukishima asked looking puzzled. Kageyama bent down and picked the pennies back up smiling while handing one back to Tsukishima.

"I picked up pennies, they are lucky now." the setter smiled brightly tossing his coin into the fountain. Tsukishima watched as his boyfriends eyes closed and he stayed silent for a moment before opening them and turning his head to look at Tsukishima.

"Go on, make a wish and throw yours." Tsukishima stared back at his boyfriend then looked down smiling and throwing the penny into the water making a wish. 


"I wonder what would happen if I hadn't dropped and picked up the pennies." questioned Kageyama on their way back to his house where they planned to watch a movie and spend the night together. Tsukishima laughed, snorting a bit.

"Than those coins wouldn't have been lucky." 

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