Uninterested Messages

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Kageyama: I need to leave now, got to get some sleep.

Kageyama sighed turning his phone off hoping to god that the ding of his phone wouldn't draw him away from his other activities. At the moment, it was 11:00 pm on a Friday and he had been texting for hours with Hinata. Hinata who wouldn't leave him alone. Hinata who didn't seem to get the hint that Kageyama no longer was interested in a relationship with him. Kageyama stood up and began to walk out of his room leaving his phone laying on his bed only to hear the soft and now really annoying ding that signified Hinata had responded to his message. Kageyama put his hands over his ears and walked out of the room slamming the door shut behind him.

 Agitated, Kageyama walked downstairs to the kitchen where he switched the light on and began humming a soft tune that Tsukishima had been humming in the locker room that day after volleyball practice. Kageyama had been trying to memorize the song in his head so the next day he could hum it to himself and hope that he and Tsukishima would get into a simple conversation about how the song was good or something cheesy like that. Of course that properly wouldn't happen since Tsukishima always walked out early with Yamaguchi at his heels while Kageyama and Hinata lagged behind the rest of the team practicing their sets and spikes until the two are literally kicked out of the school. 

"What are you still doing up Tobio?" a voice made Kageyama freeze. He turned to face his mother. She looked as though she had been sleeping and had just woken up to the sound of him walking around in the kitchen. Kageyama said nothing then sighed and rubbed his eyes acting tired. 

"Just a late night snack," he said turning to the fridge pulling the first thing he touched out of the fridge. His mother looked at him in disapproval but said nothing as Kageyama stared down at the sugar cookies he had made yesterday evening as a way to avoid the messages from Hinata. He'd been doing quite a lot of that lately, finding things to do so he had an excuse to not speak with Hinata. 

"Alright but make it quick and get back to bed, you have that volleyball team outing tomorrow," Kageyama's mom reminded him and with that she had disappeared back into her room. Kageyama sighed and took the cookie he had taken back to his room munching slowly on it. When he returned back to his room and turned his phone on immediately turned it right back off staring at seven messages from Hinata. How was Hinata not tired of texting, it was already 11:19 pm. Shouldn't Hinata be sleeping? Shouldn't Kageyama be sleeping as well?

Kageyama finished the cookie and quickly turned his phone on swiping past Hinata's messages and clicked on Tsukishima. Tsukishima was that guy who would go to sleep at like 9:00 pm at a party so he was most likely asleep. Kageyama, being tired didn't think of this and texted the blonde asshole a quick 'Hey' then proceeded to throw his phone across his room where it landed harshly on his desk. Moments later a buzz came from Kageyama's phone and he rushed to see who it was. 

Tsukishima: What is it? It's literally 11:23 pm why the hell are you still awake?

Even though the message seemed to be directed at Kageyama in a mean way he still smiled at his phone finally ready to get some sleep. For the past few months Kageyama had been giving Tsukishima one text a day. It was his way of slowly building up enough courage to not shout a meaningless insult at the dinosaur loving teen. 


The next day once the entire team was gathered everyone set off for just a simple day out. The day was filled with walking around heading into every little shop. Hinata would grab onto Kageyama's arm and Kageyama would shake the red head off retreating to the back of the group where Tsukishima and Yamaguchi were. Yamaguchi was ignoring Tsukishima and making small talk with Kiyoko who had decided to tag along for a little bit. Finally Kageyama looked over to see that Tsukishima was staring at him. 

"What is it?" Kageyama asked surprised that his tone didn't sound rude as it usually did when he tried to act cool near Tsukishima. It sounded, normal. 

"What's with you texting me so late at night?" Tsukishima said in a bored tone. Hinata seemed to hear this and his head whipped around to face Kageyama and Tsukishima, his eyes narrowing. 

"What? Kageyama was texting with you last night? He was texting with me!" Hinata said jealously creeping into his voice. Kageyama stopped walking and took a deep breath. The rest of the team stopped walking. Sugawara would already tell that everyone was tense. Tsukishima stared down at Hinata. 

"What's it too you? He does it everyday. Well at least once a day." the last part was a whisper but Hinata didn't care he was fuming and for stupid reasons such as jealously. 

"Kageyama can only talk with me at night! Why are you even speaking with this jerk Tobio!?" Hinata hissed turning on Kageyama. Kageyama said nothing and bit the inside of his mouth. No one but his family used his first name. No one but a loved one should ever use his first name so why in the world was Hinata using It?

"Shut up Hinata, Don't call me that and don't call me or text me ever again! I'm tired of hearing you talk and talk about the most random non important shit. Why don't you understand that I'm not interested in you and that I'm in love with Tsukishima?!" there was silence as the words sunk into everyone and soon Hinata was in tears walking away and Yamaguchi was staring at his friend with a look of pride on his face. He got behind Tsukishima and nudged him towards Kageyama smirking. 

"Well Tsuki has something to tell you," Yamaguchi said. Tsukishima glared and looked at the ground mumbling a small. 

"I like you two, it's the only reason why I actually respond to your late night text messages, at first those messages were just there and I didn't have the guts to respond but soon I realized that just leaving you on read was probably hurting your feelings so I started to respond to you. They went from being uninteresting messages to the light of my day."

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