Team Confessions

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"Kei, are you sure we should tell the team? I mean they might not react very well, you never know." Kageyama said anxiously tugging at Tsukishima's school jacket trying to stop the blonde from walking to the gym. Kageyama finally got the middle blocker to stop walking and Tsukishima turned to him with an annoyed look on his face. 

"10 points gone if you keep this up. After all, this was your idea wasn't it? Why are you being a chicken about it?" Tsukishima said look his boyfriend in the eyes. Kageyama glared at him and then glared at the ground. Tsukishima was right, it had been his 'bright' idea to tell the team about their relationship. The two had been dating for two months now and they thought it about time to tell people other than their families. Kageyama sighed and bit the inside of his mouth. 

"I know but I'm...nervous to tell them now," Kageyama spoke his words carefully. If he were being honest he wasn't just nervous he was terrified, like peeing his pants and then proceeding to shit his pants while sobbing terrified. Even though both his and Tsukishima's families had excepted them for who they were he was still scared. 

Tsukishima stared down at his boyfriend and sighed grabbing him firmly by the wrist. Kageyama looked at Tsukishima. 

"Look, if you don't want to go tell them why don't you go and I dunno grab some milk for yourself and I go in there BY MYSELF and tell EVERYONE there that me and you are GAY and DATING." Said Tsukishima. The way he spoke made it impossible to refuse to go with him and without knowing it Kageyama was yet again walking with Tsukishima to the gym where his friends waited for them to show up for morning practice. 

When they opened the door Kageyama mustered up as much confidence as he could and shouted to the team making them all stop and turn to the setter and middle blocker. 

"I'm Tobio Kageyama and my boyfriend is Kei Tsukishima!" he screamed. Everything even the air stood still for a few moments as the words Kageyama had said sunk into everyone. Kageyama immediately turned around to face Tsukishima who was smirking. Kageyama walked straight into his boyfriend burying his face into the blonds chest. His face was beat red and the mere thought of facing his team was too much for him. 

"Alright, congrats," Nishinoya smiled at them giving the couple a big thumb sup. If only Kageyama was able to see it. Next to speak was Sugawara and Daichi. Daichi muttered something about knowing it all along while Sugawara walked over to the pair giving them a mama hug congratulating them. Sugawara gave Tsukishima a supportive look but then narrowed his eyes and whispered into his ear.

"I swear to god Tsukishima Kei, if you ever break our setters heart then you are as good as dead and should sleep with one, no both of your eyes open," Sugawara then smiled and walked back to Daichi and the others. Hinata looked a bit sad at first but then smiled at the two telling Kageyama to stop hiding and that everyone was there to support the two. 

Once everyone had given the couple a small congrats or a supportive smile there was just one thing left to do. Practice. 

"Now, did you two love birds come here just to inform everyone of your dating status or did you come here to practice as well?" Daichi asked throwing a volleyball at Kageyama who quickly set the ball as far as he could to where a net was already set up. Hinata smiled at the opportunity and leaped into the air spiking the ball down on the other side. Kageyama smiled and rushed to get changed with Tsukishima following suit. 


"Was that really so bad?" Tsukishima asked throwing Kageyama his bag as the two walked out together. Yamaguchi was going to stay late and practice his float serve a bit. 

"It was horrible I screamed to everyone!" Kageyama complained dragging his feet as he walked back home with Tsukishima at the end of the day. Tsukishima chuckled which startled Kageyama a bit. 

"You didn't have to scream you could've acted like a civil human being and just told everyone in an indoor voice," teased Tsukishima. 

"You just earned 100 points," stated Kageyama looking at his boyfriend with a look of joy.

"Huh why?" Tsukishima looked confused. Kageyama grinned and looked up at his boyfriend. 

"Because you just laughed and you never laugh."

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