Until Midnight

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It was the end of the school week and Kageyama was worn out more than usual. The teachers had been giving him a harder time with grades. His arms and legs felt died from working with Hinata during volleyball practice. The stress was beginning to crack at his composure. As the setter walked home he stopped by the market to get a few things, one of them being another carton of milk. Since it was Friday Kageyama planned on relaxing the moment he got home. 

He made it back home, putting the milk in the fridge and throwing his school bag somewhere in the living room as Kageyama walked to his room falling into his mattress with a soft, thud. Kageyama groaned and rolled over so he was looking up at the ceiling. 

Boredom crept into his head. Sighing, Kageyama sat up in bed and reached for his phone which in the whole, throwing himself on the bed, had sadly ended up laying on the floor. He turned the screen on seeing his wallpaper which happened to be of a volleyball. Kageyama went to his contacts scrolling until the name, Kei Tsukishima popped up. Clicking on it he messaged the middle blocker.

Kageyama: Hi

It only took a few seconds for Kageyama's boyfriend to respond to the message with a simple, hey, what r u doing? Smiling, Kageyama typed in more.

Kageyama: can you ft?

instead of responding Tsukishima demonstrated his answer by giving the setter a call. Eagerly, the teen picked up smiling at the sight of his boyfriend who had appeared to have just gotten out of the shower.

"Hey there Tobio." Tsukishima said propping his phone up on his dresser as he reached for a hoodie that may or may not have once belonged to Kageyama. 

"Anything you wanted to talk about?" The blonde asked slipping the setters old hoodie on and picking his phone up heading to sit on his bed. 

"Nothing, Just felt like calling you since I was bored." Kageyama said. There was a calm silence between the couple as they thought up things to talk about. 

"Well, wanna do homework together over the weekend?" questioned Tsukishima knowing full well that he'd have to constantly remind his boyfriend to actually do the work he was given instead of hanging around or playing volleyball.

"Eh? Sure whatever." Kageyama said though he was silently dreading doing work at all. Apparently this dread was showing on his face for Tsukishima had noticed it.

"Are you THAT against doing work and studying?" Tsukishima wondered in a teasing tone.

"Yes, I hate it." Kageyama sighed raising the phone above his head as he laid back down on his bed. This time instead of staring at the ceiling he was looking at Tsukishima.

"What do you want to do?" Tsukishima asked boredom crept in his voice. 

"I dunno, talk, I'm kinda stressed from school so just hearing someone talking is-" Kageyama paused considering what word fit best.

"Hearing someone talking is comforting." he finished. Tsukishima took this into account as he began to talk about random things that happened during school and even outside of school. 

Time seemed to pass quickly and soon the two boys were eating dinner at the same time but still separated by a phone. 

"What happened after the librarian looked over at you and Yamaguchi?" Kageyama asked after sipping a glass of milk. Tsukishima bit his lip to stop himself from laughing at the memory he was explaining to his boyfriend.

"Yamaguchi literally said this to the librarian, 'Gomen Tsuki.' Honestly I think it's so much of a habit that even when he's apologising to someone that isn't me he still says my name." Tsukishima held back laughter by drinking water, this worked in the opposite fashion for the laughing still bubbled up within him and he ended up laughing and choking on the water at the same time. 

This occurrence sent Kageyama into his own fit of laughter only stopping to ask if Tsukishima was alright or not. The two continued talking with each other as they finished up their dinner, Tsukishima told funny stories of the weird and quite odd things he and Yamaguchi did. Kageyama told stories of him and Hinata acting like well, dumbasses. For example, Kageyama once dared Hinata to attempt flirting with the first person that Kageyama saw on the street and it happened to be someone who obviously was with their partner. It didn't end well for Kageyama and explaining this to his boyfriend made the middle blocker laugh more insanely that Kuroo's laugh.

When the couple finished eating they hung out for longer on facetime until Kageyama let out a yawn that represented a cat more than a human teenager.

"Arg, what time is it?" mumbled Kageyama glancing at his bedside clock almost dropping his phone at the sight of the numbers shining back at him.

"Damn, it's already 11:43 pm. We should probably say good night to each other." Kageyama whispered looking over to his bedroom door hoping his parents couldn't hear him still talking with Tsukishima.

"Wait, don't go yet. Let's stay on call until midnight." Tsukishima suggested to the setter who soon agreed but nevertheless got up to find his earphones as of not to disturb the others in the house.

"I'm a bit tired though, can you do all the talking." whispered Kageyama laying the phone on pillow as he grabbed some simple sleepwear, the camera of his phone was pointed to the ceiling so he was able to change without his boyfriends.....prying eyes.

"Yeah sure." responded Tsukishima. 


Tsukishima looked at the clock and sighed, 12 O'clock. He looked to his phone where sadly, he was still looking at the ceiling.

"Kageyama?" Tsukishima whispered into his phone. He was greeted with absolute silence. 

"Kageyama, are you even awake right now?" Tsukishima wondered allowed holding back a tiny snort of laughter. Did his boyfriend really just fall asleep on him while they were facetiming? Due to the silence that followed it appeared that Tsukishima was correct.

Kageyama had fallen asleep to the sound of his boyfriend.

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