Who Are You?

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Yoohyeon observed confusedly the smaller woman who did the same with her. She glanced briefly at the girl by her side who fixed her with an intense gaze.

« What are you doing in Minji's apartment? » The smaller asked with knitted brows.

Suddenly, Yoohyeon's thoughts stopped. Were they the friends Minji had mentioned missing before « Wait, are you Bora?» She asked her back and turned to the other « And Siyeon? » The taller suddenly smirked, already coming up with an explanation in her mind.

« Who are you? » Bora interrogated, trying to look inside the apartment to find her friend.

« Oh, please come in » Yoohyeon opened the door wider and invited them into the place. The two women entered but it didn't answer their questions as to who she was or where was Minji « Minji shouldn't be long. She must have leave work by now » Yoohyeon looked at the clock instinctively to confirm.

« You have a cat? » Siyeon cooed, approaching the tiny beast.

« We're cat-sitting for our neighbor. His name's Nannan » Yoohyeon smiled proudly at the very sleepy cat that accepted happily Siyeon's petting.

« Siyeon! » Bora let out outraged at her girlfriend's apparent calm given the unknown situation.

Siyeon raised her gaze toward her with a sigh « Come on, Bora! It's obvious that the girl is her girlfriend » She rationalized.

Bora opened her mouth but Yoohyeon interrupted the argument « I'm...I'm not, though » Both women looked at her intensely and her cheeks started to burn « I'm just Minji's friend though, Yoohyeon » She explained and introduced herself shyly.

« A friend who makes her dinner as she is coming home? » Bora quirked an eyebrow, looking in direction of the kitchen.

« I...I wanted to do something nice to Minji since she...lets me....live here » Yoohyeon felt obligated to give them an explanation somehow, but she knew it would only bring more questions.

« You live here? » Bora questioned in surprise and Yoohyeon gave her a small nod.

« You're sleeping on the couch? » Siyeon asked while trying to suppress a smile. Yoohyeon frowned and shook her head « So Minji does then? » Yoohyeon was going to shake her head again but stopped, understanding where the other woman was going with it, and gulped. Siyeon had to bite her inner cheek to control herself from laughing while Bora was in complete shock.

« You and Minji sleep in the same bed? » She couldn't believe her best friends didn't tell her anything about any of it. Minji was an open book to her. She had shared all of her struggles with her, but now that she met...Yoohyeon....not a word got to her. It was unbelievable.

Just them, keys turned inside the keyhole, making the three women turn their attention toward the door as it opened. Minji came inside with a smile on her face « I'm ready for my surprise. Hope y..... » She words died in her mouth as her eyes fell on them « Bora? » Her eyes widened, then she noticed the other women sat on the couch « Si....Siyeon? »

« Hey, Minji! » The said girl greeted affectionately, petting Nannan.

Minji glanced at Yoohyeon who gave her big puppy lost eyes before her gaze fell back on Bora who appeared deeply hurt « What are you doing here? » She swallowed the forming lump in her throat. It definitely wasn't how she wanted her best friend to find out about Yoohyeon.

« I wanted to surprise you because last time I texted you, you said you felt really down. But...uh.... » She looked at Yoohyeon « Maybe I was wrong »

« No » Minji immediately denied, walking closer to the smaller woman « I really was, I swear »

« But why didn't you tell me about... » She pointed at Yoohyeon unsure of what to call her « Your....Yoohyeon » She groaned, then stared at Minji with a frown « Why didn't you tell me you had a girlfriend »

« What? » Minji's brows knitted. She turned to Yoohyeon who shook her head, telling her she didn't say this to her « She's not...really....It.... » Bora raised an eyebrow at the mess she just became. Minji grunted, waving her hands in front of her « It's complicated, Bora. You wouldn't believe me »

« Try me » She crossed her arms over her chest.

Minji sighed « No, trust me. You would want to lock me up »

« I'm your best friend, Ji. Did you lock me up when I told you I was falling for punk-rock colleague Siyeon? »

« That's different » Minji said.

« Then, tell me » Bora insisted. Yoohyeon could truly feel what stress was like at that moment. She took a deep breath and decided to sit on the couch as she felt dizzy, Nannan in between her and Siyeon.

Minji, too, took a deep breath. She took off her coat and hang it in the entrance while Bora followed her with her eyes. She came back toward the three silent women with a sigh.

« It's gonna sound insane but please, listen to all of it » She looked at her best friend in the eyes.

« I will » Bora assured her.

« Okay » Minji chewed on her lower lips, glancing at Yoohyeon who gave her a nod in encouragement. She gulped and dropped the bomb « Yoohyeon was a mannequin at the store »

« WHAT? » Bora explained loudly.

« I told you to listen » Minji groaned and Bora mouthed a small 'sorry'.

« I kind of thought you could be a model » Siyeon said to Yoohyeon, snorting at her own hunch.

« I...definitely am not....that » Yoohyeon rubbed her thighs nervously. Siyeon and Bora frowned in confusion.

« She was an inanimate mannequin that was at the display window for years » Minji clarified, even if it totally didn't.

« A mannequin? » Bora repeated slowly.

« Yes » Minji confirmed « Mrs. Shin asked me to dispose of her because we got new ones and we couldn't keep her but I....I kind of brought her home...I was a little out of my mind, to be honest. Depressed » She revealed a bit ashamed « Anyway, the.....the new day, she....was human. I.....We don't know how it happened » She looked at Bora who had no expression whatsoever on her face. She looked at Siyeon who had her head cocked to the side, studying intently Yoohyeon's face.

« Is this April's fool? » Bora questioned « A hidden camera? A prank? »

Minji sighed « Come on, Bora! You know me. I told you you wouldn't believe me »

« Minji is telling the truth » Yoohyeon intervened « We're still figuring why I came to life. That's why I live here » She answered the questions they had when they first arrived.

« Wait! » Siyeon suddenly let out. She took out her phone and scrolled for a moment before she stopped and her eyes widened. She looked at Yoohyeon then at her phone and gasped « Babe! » She called Bora over, showing her her phone. Bora was presented with a picture they took with Minji some time ago in front of her store. She was confused for a moment but then Siyeon enhanced the background where a mannequin with silver hair stood. Her jaw dropped as her eyes met the perfect human copy of it.

« It's impossible » She muttered.

« That's what I thought too at first » Minji said.


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