A Matter of the Heart

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Minji was frozen in place while Yoohyeon stared at her with wide eyes. Minji couldn't believe she had said these three words but she was also glad she did. Yoohyeon, on the other side, was stunned that she had heard those words. She felt lightheaded and her heart was pounding in her chest. The words from the people who created her resonated in her mind: 'She will make someone happy'. Suddenly, she was invaded with doubts. What if Minji didn't love her? What if she only felt good lately and put it on Yoohyeon's presence?

She gulped « Do....do you really...feel it? »

Minji immediately nodded and moved closer to her « I'm sorry I said it so abruptly, it's just that....I'm scared that whatever will happen in the future I won't have the opportunity to tell you » She revealed, now face to face with her « You make me feel alive again » She smiled.

« Minji, I'm not the only reason you are happy. I.... »

« I'm not putting that on you, Yoohyeon, I assure you » Minji said « I know it's not your responsibility to make me happy. I....I just know that my feelings for you are beyond that. As much as I tried to rationalize them before, I can't deny them any longer » She thought for a moment and bit her inner cheek « Yoohyeon, I know this gonna sound really cliché but I'm hoping you haven't seen many romantic movies to notice » She took her hand and delicately put it over her own heart. Yoohyeon's eyes widened at the gesture before her brows slightly furrowed as she felt Minji's heart beat under her palm « Do you feel that? » Minji whispered, their faces now close to one another. Yoohyeon gave her a nod and her eyes met hers « My heart wouldn't do this just because of happiness. I know it's maybe too fast but the rush I feel every time you're close to me is more than just a crush or a disillusion. I'm not expecting you to reciprocate my feeling. I...I just want you to know where I am in all of this » She finished, her hand still over Yoohyeon's above her heart.

The silver-haired found her vocabulary lacking. She couldn't form a sentence good enough to answer her. So she showed, in an impulse, what she so desperately wanted to say. She leaned over and pecked Minji's lips. The other woman was surprised by the gesture at first but let herself relax into it.

Yoohyeon withdrew, looking into her eyes « I'm sorry, I didn't know how to say what I feel »

« It's alright » Minji whispered, the closeness between them making her blush « Is....is that what you feel? Wanting to kiss me? » She asked shyly.

Yoohyeon nodded « I...want to do it again. Your lips are so soft » Her eyes fell on them, not seeing how Minji reddened heavily. She was leaning over again but before their lips could touch a phone rang. Yoohyeon jumped back, startled and Minji chuckled « Your phone surprised me » Yoohyeon sighed.

« It's not mine » Minji smiled, going to the table to pick up the phone she had given her the prior day « It's Yubin » She handed it to her after seeing the displayed name. Yoohyeon frowned. How did Yubin get her number? She hadn't given it to her yet. Minji sensed her interrogation and explained « I took the liberty to give the girls your number and I also added you in the chat we started. I hope it's alright with you? »

Yoohyeon's smile widely « Yes, it's...it's awesome » She took the phone « Now, I tap the green button, right? » She remembered from seeing Minji do it and the characters on TV. Minji nodded so she did « Where're the speakers though? » She saw someone do that on a TV show she had watched back when she had stayed alone at the apartment but they never showed which symbol they were pressing. It surprised Minji that she wanted to share the call with her but she pointed at it quickly nonetheless and Yoohyeon immediately tapped on it.

« Hello? » Yubin's confused voice came through the speakers.

« Yes, we're here » Yoohyeon said somewhat loudly which made Minji grin « You're on speaker. Minji is with me »

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