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It was finally a day off and Perry decided to spend the day at Heinz's place, sitting on the couch playing Minecraft with Vanessa.
Perry finished his house last time he and Vanessa played Minecraft together so he decided it was time to get a pet.

"Dad look, Perry got an ocelot." Vanessa points to the screen and chuckles "shame they don't have platypuses right Perry?"

Perry puts his controller down and let's out a sigh. 'It is kind of sad but why put platypuses when no one even wants them?' He signs and grabs the controller again and carries on playing.

Of course Heinz wasn't playing but he still was paying attention and thought of an idea. So that night after Vanessa went to bed and Perry was already home he decided to grab the game and mess with it instead of blueprints for an -inator. Somehow (idk I'm not a coder or anything XD) Heinz manages to put teal and brown platypuses in the game.

After weeks later of fighting (and uhm more *cough* fighting.) Perry finally had another day off and decided to get onto his game to add something to his and Vanessa's house. When he logs on he realizes he's not where he saved and looks at Doof. 'Did Vanessa log in on my account on accident?'

Heinz just shrugs and heads to the kitchen with a grin on his face. Perry shrugs off Heinz's lack of response and wonders the world looking for materials. That is until he sees something teal in the water near him. He moves his character to check it out and sees a platypus with his hair color.

"H-Heinz" he speaks up with a husky voice and looks to the kitchen. When Heinz looks at him, with a look of worried more or less, he signs to him. 'Did YOU get on the game and add platypuses??'

Doofenshmirtz smiles and nods. "I did I was hoping you'd see them and be happy Minecraft now has your favorite animal. It took a lot of work to do." He grabs almond brittle and heads to sit next to Perry. "I hope you like your surprise. Vanessa doesn't know they're in the game either. I'd be careful though I did program them to poison you just like real males can, you know its amazing how they can hurt a human but not actually kill them with their poison, could you imagine being hurt by one? You'd be hospitalized forever, they don't even have a cure for it."

Perry knew he could ramble for hours so he made a clattering noise he always does to get someone to look at him and signs a 'thank you' to Doofenshmirtz. And when he finally starts rambling again Perry leans against him while he gets the platypus home and builds it a room for it and the ocelot.

482 words... kinda more than I was expecting to come from this crack of a story. Anyways yeah.

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