chapter 8 - water 7

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3rd person POV

after the confrontation with aokiji the strawhats decided to spend the night in that island to rest. at that night everyone heads are full of the afternoon incident, but all of them are putting a happy face, well maybe except zoro, because he is always has scary face, or robin because she's still in bad condition.

"hawks... are you okay?" sanji ask hawks with worried tone

"why? of course I'm okay" hawks replied him with a smile.

"your wings are gone, unlike when your wings were roasted in skypiea, this time its mostly gone"

"it's okay sanji san, my wings will heal in 2 or 3 days, there's no need to worry" hawks said grinning

"then its fine, anyway I already made some yakitori for snacks if you want, its in the kitchen" sanji said lighting his cigarette.

"yatta! thank you sanji san... you're the best" hawks started hopping towards kitchen.

actually hawks is very worried, but he can conceal his feelings easily, because he was trained for that, for he is a pro hero, someone who should always shining and smiling.
in just a little bit over a week hawks has been slapped hard with the harsh reality in this world, that he is weak and there's no guarantee that he'll be alive by next week.

at that time hawks understand why he was chosen, he can fly and he's fast, faster then anyone in japan, and he can fly, that to stay alive one must run away to see another day, even if someone like allmight or endeavour was sent here, they'll probably die if they were fighting enel or aokiji.

'but why didn't I run away? from enel and from aokiji?' hawks thought

'is it because this crew is in trouble? eventho I only know them for a while I already prioritize their safety?' Hawks stop his thoughts at that, because he doesn't want to think about it anymore, and decided to just eat his yakitori.

after resting for a day, the strawhats decided to continue their journey, everything is calm until the captain saw a giant toad that swims free style, and decided to catch it, making them almost getting hit by sea train...

after meeting with kokoro-baasan and chimney, the strawhats pirates continue their journey to water seven, and they decided to repair merry there, because water seven has the best ship carpenters in the world, or at least that's what kokoro-baasan said.

*in water seven*

after arrived at water seven, luffy nami and usopp went to the bank to exchange the gold, robin, chopper and sanji also went to explore the island, meanwhile hawks and zoro remain in going merry.

"zoro... can I ask you something" said hawks toward the not sleeping swordman
"what?" zoro said nonchalantly
"how do people became brave?" hawks ask zoro

"who knows, and why do we have to be brave anyway, I think its not a bad thing to be a bit of a coward as long as its not usopp level heheh.."

"zoro, are you not afraid of someone like aokiji? don't you just wanna run away from someone like him?"

" I'm scared of course, he is a monster, but sometimes we can't just run away eventho we want to" zoro said solemnly

'he is scared but, he can't just leave his crewmates alone huh? this crew relationship is really deep, meanwhile here i am with the possibility of betraying them for my own safety, I'm a pro hero goddamn it! I supposed to sacrifice myself for the society and I'm here being a coward ! ...this feels sucks..' hawks thought

"as expected, zoro is such a cool guy"

"what do you mean cool? i can't even hurt a pinky of aokiji"

' I can't even save everyone, i need to get stronger... to challenge the best swordman I can't be weak forever' zoro thought

"well he is a monster anyway, there's nothing we can do" hawks said lightheartedly

"only for now... I'll definitely get stronger... and become number 1 swordman in the world" zoro said, his eyes are shining with determination.

"wheeew... so cool... hahaha then zoro do you want to spar with me for a while? waiting is boring" hawks said

'well... now that's interesting, I'm also curious about his ability' zoro thought

"sure... I'll beat you to death" zoro said smirking evilly

" wow... scary" hawks said while grinning


the fight with zoro and hawks didn't end up with a winner, they fight pretty equally, zoro is stronger physically but hawks is faster, but zoro still can evades hawks attack, they spar for sometime until they heard someone coming to going merry, so they decided to stop and check the ship.

the man is a shipwright and he come to check the condition of going merry as Luffy and nami requested. not long after that, the man went back toward the island.

after that hawks and zoro decided to just sleep in merry and wait for everyone to comeback.

*hawks POV

not even a day in this new island and its seems like the strawhats are already in a problematic situations, the money get stolen, merry is beyond repair so we have to change our ship and usopp can't accept that and challenging luffy, get beaten by luffy, but luffy decided to move on so he give merry to usopp as usopp leave the crew, and robin is missing.

'hah... really... problem after problem, but somehow i think that if its this crew then everything will be alright' I thought to myself

to be continued...

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