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[Name] giggled deviously in the background, making the bench trio sweatdrop for their awaiting dreadful faith.

"We're going to die.." Tommy groaned, "NO SHIT SHERLOCK" Tubbo whisper-yelled, Ranboo sighed as he just stared at the blank wall.

"Are you done yet?.." Tubbo called out, "And..... Voilá" [Name] smiled, "You can look now" he called out, the trio gulped, taking a turn, now facing the h/c-nette.

"You go first Tubbo" Tommy nervously chuckled, "I'm good- YOU GO RANBOO" Replied Tubbo, Ranboo sighed, "I have no choice do i..?" He deadpanned as he hesitantly took a step forward.

"The left one-" [Name] pointed out, Ranboo "From my left or yours?" he paused, "Yours" [Name] hummed.

Ranboo hesitantly grabbed the cupcake, "Go on that corner" [Name] said; pointing out at the empty corner, Ranboo proceeded to make his way into the corner.

Taking off his mask as he took a bite out of the cupcake, turning into fits of coughs, "wHat DiD yoU puT in ThIs" His voice cracked as he coughed, "Water?" [Name] offered.

"YeS PleaSe" Ranboo choked, [Name] placed down the tray of cupcakes, but before he did that he hid something behind him.

[Name] grabbed the water bottle from the refrigerator, making his way towards Ranboo, giving it out to the taller male.

Ranboo took a sip of the water, still coughing as he gripped onto the wall, "Yeah.. We're definitely going to die" Tubbo muttered.

"Alright, Tubbo it's your turn" [Name] smiled as he picked up the tray of the cupcakes, Tubbo sulked, making his way towards the h/c-nette.

"Your right" [Name] says as Tubbo proceeded to pick up the cupcake, hesitantly taking a bite out of it, he made gagging noises.

"hOlY shIt" Tubbo choked, [Name] snorted in the background, "wHy Is it So bIttEr?" his voice cracked, "Oh come on, it wasn't even that bittervm" [Name] rolled his eyes.

Tubbo proceeded to gag as [Name] finally called out the blond male, Tommy saluted to camera, taking a bite of the cupcake; he was met with a sour and biter taste.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS ABOMINATION" Tommy screeched, "What do you mean, thats the best of them all?" [Name] replied.

"THIS TASTES LIKE ABSOLUTE SHIT" He spluttered, "How do you know what shit tastes like?" Tubbo and [Name] synchronized.

[Name] cleared his throat, "Those aren't actually the real ones" he says, "What?" the bench trio synchronized, [Name] wheezed.

"I purposely made you guys eat the worse ones" [Name] grinned; "What the fuck is wrong with you" Tommy replied.

"And saved the best for the last" [Name] says as he pulled out a new batch of cupcakes, "I-.. Are you kidding me" Tubbo deadpanned, [Name] scoffed.

He grabbed a cupcake; It's frosting being coated by a pink hue, flowers and bees sprinkled  to top it off, he gently cupped it in his hands, making his way to Tubbo.

"Here you go bee boy" [Name] hummed, "Wh- ARE THOSE BEES" The brunette freaked out, [Name] hummed in response.

"Is that why you took so long?.." Ranboo muttered, "Well what do you think so sherlock?" [Name] smiled, as he grabbed a new cupcake.

It's frosting being vanilla, stripes of caramel around the frosting, red sprinkles and two familiar discs to top it off.

[Name] gave out the cupcake to Tommy who had a bewildered expression, "And last but not the least.." [Name] drawled out as he grabbed a cupcake.

Half of it's frosting being vanilla the other being dark chocolate, purple sprinkles and of course a crown, "Here you go Ranboo" [Name] smiled.

"Thanks.." Ranboo muttered as he inspected the cupcake.

"But you do know im still planning revenge on you right?" Tommy says, [Name] scoffed, "What? What could you possibly do to be my demise?" [Name] confidently smiled, unaware of what was bound to happen.

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