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They kept yelling at me and beating me. I couldnt do anything. Then, the man went to the weapon display on the wall, smashed it open and grabbed a better gun. He pointed it at me and shot me in my stomach. I screamed for the first time and held my stomach. I was balling my eyes out from the pain and torture.

My body was giving out and the walls were closing in. As I was on my last vision, the door slammed open and I passed out.


Me and my dad ran over to the shed and slammed the door open. I saw something that I never thought I would see..

Emma was on the floor, in a pile of blood while someone pointed a gun at her. I could tell she passed out, probably due to blood loss.

"Who the fuck are you?" A man asks.

"Her boyfriend you peace of shit." I say before grabbing a gun off the wall and shooting one of the men. I had so much anger inside of me, I couldnt control it. I shot more and more people till they were all dead. My dad stood there in shock at me.

I ran over to Emma and fell on my knees crying into her bloody chest.

"Emma..please come back." I say in between my tears.

I lift my head up and look at her full body. She looked so skinny, like she hadnt eaten in weeks. And her face was super pale. Her whole body and bruises and cuts. But she still looked absolutly stunning.

I picked her up and me and dad walked out.

My dad was still in shock and couldnt really say anything.

"How about we stop at that rock so we can stop the bleeding." He says kinda quietly.

We head over to the rock and my dad takes off his red, flannel button up jacket off and raps it around Emmas stomach.

Emma flinches a little, meaning she is waking up. Her eyes fully open, but are filled with tears.

"M...Marcus?" She asks me very faintly.

"Shh. Its okay, you're safe now." I tell her while rubbing her back in circles with my thumb.

She flinches again and closes her eyed really tight as my dad puts more pressure on her wound.

"What exactly happened?" My dad asks.

"Well.. I was in the woods, and these men took me to this shed, and the kept me in a cage and didnt feed me. Every 3 hours they would beat me. And because I was so weak, I wasnt able to talk or answer them so they got mad." She says out of breath.

"So you havent had food in like..2 1/2 weeks?" I ask her.

She just nods and I can feel my tears coming again.

"Please dont cry." She says while grabbing my hand.

Emma always puts people first, even when shes in this condition. I dont know how she does it.

"How did you find me?" She asks.

"Well, we all got split up, then Marcus found Reagan, and then they found me, and then we found Evelyn." My dad says.

"So they are all safe?" she asks.

He nods and I see her smile a little.

"We should get going and find Reagan and Mom." Dad says.

We both agree and start looking.


I cant believe this is happening. Though I was in a lot of pain, I tried to hide it. And I could actually talk now, which was nice.

Marcus picked me up bridal style and we started looking around for Reagan and Evelyn.

My eyes were closing again, due to hunger, and I passed out.


Emma was in Marcus' arms and I could see her closing her eyes again. She looked horrible. We needed to find Evelyn and Reagan before we get food for Emma. The nearest shop was 5 miles away, which is about 1 1/4 hours away. (I ᴅɪᴅ ᴍʏ ʀᴇsᴇᴀʀᴄʜ😰)

We found Reagan and Evelyn looking at this set up of rotten berries and wooden cups.

"This must've been where she stayed." Reagan says.

They both look back realizing were there and they dart their eyes towards Emma.

"Oh my god... She looks awful.. what happened?" Evelyn asks.

"No time to explain, we need to go to a store." Marcus says.

"But the nearest one is 5 miles away-" Evelyn says before Marcus interrupts her.

"Please. She hasnt eaten in 2 1/2 weeks." Marcus says looking down at Emma passed out.

She just nods and we start walking to the store.


I convinced Mom to go the the store with us for Emma. I look down at Emma and kiss her forhead. She was extremely light. Like before she was light, but she was super light now. I will do anything to save Emma.


After about 30 minutes of walking, I see Emma starting to wake up. She immeditaly holds her stomach and crys in pain.

I set her down on the floor, with her head on my lap, and lift her shirt, just so I can see the wound. It was bleeding out again.

"You guys put a shirt filled with bacteria on her wound?! Are you stupid!?" Mom says running towards Emma.

"What were we supposed to do? Leave it?" Dad says.

"Emma. I need your consent to  disinfect the wound." Mom says looking at Emma.

She quickly nods and holds my hand super tight.

Mom grabs hydrogen peroxide from her bag and opens it.

"This is going to hurt like hell okay? Reagan, go get a stick for her to bite down on." Mom says.

Reagan grabs a stick and puts it Emma's mouth.

"Okay ready...3...2...1" Mom says pouring the hydrogen peroxide on the wound. 

Emma screams from pain and crys more. She holds my hand really tight, even making my hand hurt, but I didnt care.

Mom quickly puts a clean cloth on her wound and trys to make the bleeding stop.

I pick Emma back up and we continue walking.

Beggining Of The End (Marcus Abbott)Where stories live. Discover now