bruise you like a peach

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by falsegoodnight


There's two reasons Harry despises Econ.

The first is that it's boring as fuck. The second reason is a bit more personal, a bit more focused in a way. As in it's focused on one specific thing, or in his case, person.

His name is Louis Tomlinson.


There's two reasons Harry despises Econ.

The first is that it's boring as fuck. He's a psych major- he doesn't give a shit about utilities and scarcity or whatever else their prof drones about at one in the afternoon while ignoring the blank looks of confusion on literally everyone's faces. He doesn't take or answer questions, doesn't explain things in depth, and he's practically married to the concept of pop quizzes. Harry dreads having to walk into the classroom everyday, his good mood from lunch always disappearing the moment he steps in.

The second reason is a bit more personal, a bit more focused in a way. As in it's focused on one specific thing, or in his case, person.

His name is Louis Tomlinson.

And he's the bane of Harry's existence, the most insufferable, obnoxious, brattiest person Harry has ever met. It's really fucking unfair and tragic, Harry maintains, that he's also arguably the prettiest boy he's ever seen.

Petite and slim with honey tan skin, delicate features, soft golden brown hair, and the most gorgeous eyes Harry has seen on anyone, blue and big and layered. It doesn't help that they're framed by sinfully long eyelashes.

And his lips, holy shit. Pink and smooth and often covered in a layer of gloss. Harry's fascinated by his lips, well, that is... until they open and Louis starts talking.

Then all that infatuation easily surges into irritation. Harry didn't know being that annoying was even possible, and yet Louis exists.

Worse, he makes it a point to sit close to Harry as much as possible, never more than a few seats away. Always talking loudly to his quieter friend, Zayn, or clicking his pen obnoxiously, or laughing distractingly.

And that's just him when he's being normal.

When he and Harry are partnered up (which happens way too much thanks to their alphabetically adjacent names), he becomes even more of a brat. Always arguing or fighting Harry's suggestions or causing unnecessary complications and insulting Harry as much as he can. God, Harry hates him.

He mostly tends to stay quiet and unbothered in class. He's an outgoing person by nature but he's also driven academically and he'd like to be able to take notes and finish assignments and projects in peace, except Louis seems to make it his personal mission to prevent that from happening... Every. Single. Time.

The exact start of this tension between them is unknowable but Harry can trace it back to the beginning of the school year when Harry asked Louis for a pen and Louis informed him that he should be better prepared for a college class and how they weren't in secondary school any longer.

He was a brat from the very beginning and it's only gotten worse.

Like today when Harry's trying to listen to the lecture, gritting his teeth when Louis decides to laugh obnoxiously loud.

It's honestly baffling that he seems to be the only one this irritated. Don't get him wrong, there's plenty of people around him who roll their eyes or sigh exasperatedly when Louis does something particularly infuriating, but for the most part they just endure it, endure Louis.

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