You Sent This Hurricane Now It Won't Go Away 2/4

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 by runaway_train


"Louis? You're in charge. Don't let Harry kill my baby."

"Sure Gemz," he grins back.

"I'm not going to kill your baby. Go." Harry puts a hand on her back and starts pushing her passed the doorframe.

"OK, OK, I'm going," she says as she waves at all three boys, Louis lifting the youngest one's arm to help him wave back at his mum.

Once the door is closed and locked behind her, Harry turns around. He slaps both his cheeks with his hands, his eyes wide. He looks like something out of Home Alone. "I'm going to kill her baby aren't I?"

Louis starts to laugh and turns to walk back into the kitchen. "You're not going to kill her baby. Now come on, think someone is getting cranky and needs fed. And I'm not talking about the kid."


The one where Louis knows he has something to say. He just doesn't know how to say it.

The first time Louis knows he's in love with Harry is a dreary evening in late January.

By this point they've been officially together for seven months, which seems like a long time to not already know something that important, considering how strongly he felt about Harry before they even made things official, but it's been hard to really think about stuff like that when Louis has been so stressed, particularly if you are anything like Louis and struggle to think about stuff like that at all.

The romantic part of their relationship has been really good so far, the odd fight here and there aside, but the working part of their relationship has been tough, because, well, starting up a business is a bloody mindfuck, and that's without going to war with your previous employers. When Louis had handed in his notice to Corden Winston three weeks after Harry did, they had been disappointed but understanding. When they had found out that Harry and Louis were setting up shop together they had been surprised but supportive. When they had realised that some of their other employees were leaving to go with them they had been annoyed but resigned. When they had discovered that the men were taking Dashel & Moore with them too? All hell had broken loose.

It had got really nasty. Ben and James tried to lawyers involved, but when it quickly became clear that there was nothing legally they could do, they'd got increasingly bitter and had started trashing Harry and Louis throughout the industry to anyone that would listen. Harry and Louis kept a dignified silence, despite Louis' desire to tear Ben and James a new one on a daily basis. He'd probably have ended up in jail if it hadn't been for Harry repeatedly calming him down. Luckily the whole thing had completely backfired on their old bosses, as it made Corden Winston look unprofessional and publicly bitter, and gained Harry and Louis seven new clients that also decided to jump ship. That just added to the pressure to get the business up and running as soon as possible though, and both Harry and Louis had to admit they had been a little naive as to simply how much work there would be involved in the whole affair. The launch finally arrived mid November, much to everyone's relief, and the proper work had started, once everyone had caught their breaths. And as the days turned into weeks, Louis began to really enjoy himself, never realising actually how much better life could be once he was out from under someone else's thumb.

The festive season had gone smoothly. Louis had spent his birthday, on Christmas Eve, in Doncaster with Harry and his family, waking up on Christmas morning in Harry's arms to the shrieks of children running around downstairs. They'd had to hire a car to drive up there, because Harry had gone completely and utterly over the top with presents for all the kids. In fact, they had to hire an estate car just to fit their luggage in as well. And they were only away for five days in total. It had been completely worth it though when he had watched Harry help his siblings open up and play with their presents that morning with as much enthusiasm as the kids themselves, his heart bursting with pride at how perfectly Harry slotted into his family. They had then driven the two hours to Holmes Chapel in the afternoon to have Christmas dinner with Harry's family, Harry and Louis spending the majority of the time cooing over Harry's nephew, who Harry had naturally spoiled rotten as well. The whole thing had been faultless from start to finish.

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