Baby I Need You In A Serious Way 4/4

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by runaway_train


"All Harry is interested in is having sex with you, making you cups of tea and telling you how gorgeous you are," Zayn tells him over a bowl of Frosties a couple of days later.

Louis frowns. "Look, we're not here to judge anyone's hobbies ok?"

Zayn laughs around his spoon before chewing and swallowing. "All I'm saying is you could literally ask him any way you want to and he'll be ecstatic."

"You sound like Liam."

He shrugs. "Because Liam's right."

This is getting Louis precisely nowhere.


The one where Louis and Harry are getting married. Well, they will be, if Louis ever gets round to actually proposing.

The first time Louis starts really thinking about proposing to Harry is the day after their house warming party.

He'd been pondering about it for a while, but after the events of the previous twenty four hours, seeing his and Harry's families and friends mixing so effortlessly, and the subsequent late night conversations about their future together, Louis felt like his desire to make Harry is husband was now so strong that he couldn't wait any longer, and he needed to get the ball rolling on preparations. First thing on his list to do was fairly time sensitive though, so he creeps downstairs on the Sunday morning when Harry is still dozing in bed and makes the call.


"Harry, babe, can you wake up?" Louis whispers, rubbing softly on Harry's bare back while he's sleeping on his front. After a few seconds, he grumbles and turns his head on the pillow, one eye half open and looks up at Louis. He must take the fact that Louis is up and fully dressed negatively as he quickly props himself up on his elbows.

"Lou? What is it? Is something wrong?" he asks, his voice deep and crackling.

Louis shakes his head, still trailing his fingers along Harry's freckled skin. "Nothing, uh, Lottie called me. She's locked herself out the flat and needs the spare key I have. I'm gonna jump on the tube and go let her in."

Harry drops back down on the bed with a grunt. "You want me to come with you?" He doesn't look like he wants to get up but Louis knows he would if Louis wanted him to.

"No babe, I'll be fine. I'll get us something for tea on the way back and we can veg out, watch movies in bed yeah?"

"Mmm OK. Love you."

"Love you too."

Louis goes to get up from the bed when Harry shifts onto his side, reaching out for Louis' arm. "Kissy." He puckers his lips up at Louis, and when Louis leans down to give him a quick peck, Harry grabs him fully around his middle and rolls him over for a proper snog, Louis yelping in surprise.

After a few minutes Louis attempts to shove him off. "Haz, seriously, I need to go, she's waiting. Plenty of time for more kissy later."

Harry squeezes at Louis' hip. "Better be. One more for the road?"

"Nope." Louis sits up, Harry falling onto his back. "Means you'll miss me when I'm gone."

"I always miss you when you're gone."

"Sap." He flicks at Harry's nipple then jumps up before Harry can do anything in retaliation.

"You love it."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2021 ⏰

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