Chapter 19 Meeting the Baylay's

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Wow this is going fast.

I will give you guys some rest because it is weekend(lol)

I don't know what is going on but well the chapters are just flowing out of my computer at the moment.

Hope you like it and please please please leave a comment and vote

(I know I ask it in my last 3 chapters but I really would like to know what you guys are thinking about the story)

Hope to have a new chapter out soon.


End AN 

Chapter 19 Meeting the Baylay's

The next two days Harry didn't see Hedwig, he thought Bill needed some extra time and talk to Fleur about it. 

He hoped he had a reply on Friday but at lunch that Wednesday he saw Hedwig fly in with a letter tied around her leg. 

He looked at her and caught her on his arm. 

She took the ham he offered her with enthusiasm that made Harry think she had not eaten in days. 

He shared some water with her and stroke her back.
She looked at him with affection as Harry took the letter he said to her.
"Thank you girl, now go on and rest." He said to her.
The owl hooted her thanks and took off.
Harry opened the letter and read.

"Dear Harry

Thanks for the letter. 

Off cource I will help you and talk to the poor girls family.
You name the place and time and Fleur and I will both be there.
Also if it is okAmy I would like to talk with you first about it to get some extra details.
I would like to meet tonight in your office but I will floo call you before I come over.
Shall we say at seven tonight I will contact you?
Talk to you than.

Say hi to Ginny, Ron and Hermione for me


"Yes!" he said.
McGonagall looked at him and saw the letter in his hand.
"He agreed than I think." She said.
"Yeah he did," said Harry, "he wants to meet me first tonight so we can go over some extra details and than I will contact the family."
"Good do you mind telling me afterwards how your talk with Bill went?" McGonagall asked him.
At that moment the Bell rang and Harry had to hurry to get to his first lesson with Sirius. 
Harry entered the classroom with Ron, Hermione and Ginny.
He sat beside Ginny and said to her that Bill said hi.
"What you already got a reply? What did he say?" She wanted to know.
"He what is it?" Said Ron who sat with Hermione on the other side.
"Nothing." said Harry who knew Hermione would be listening in. 

At that moment Sirius walked in from the office, good afternoon, he began.
After taking the attendance list the lesson started.
After Harry's lessons had ended for the day he went straight his office.
Got out his old map end after a "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good" the marauders map showed him Hogwarts. 
He looked and found Mr. Baylay. He was alone in the library.
Harry left his office after a "Mischief managed" and went straight to the library. 

He found Mr. Baylay at the same table he had seen him on at the marauders map and walked over to him.
"Mr. Baylay can I have a word please?" He asked him.
"Sure professor what is it." Said the boy.
"Well you remember what I told you on Monday?"  Harry asked.
The boy nodded and Harry continued.
"So please follow me as this is not the place to talk about that."
They left the library and went into an empty classroom.
"Well I have written a letter to that friend I told you about," Harry started. "and he and his wife are willing to talk to your parents and sister. I will meet them tonight so they can get some more information about what happened and I would like you to attend this little meeting. If you could be at my office at seven you can better explain what happened than I can. "

The boy could not believe his ears.
There were people who were willing to help him and his family even if there was the chance that his sister was a werewolf.
"Sure sir I will be there." 
"Good," Said Harry, "now if you excuse me I have a visit to make to your parents."
"Can I come to sir?" the boy asked.
"Well I will ask Professor McGonagall if it is ok and if she agrees than I will come for you."  Harry said to Mr. Baylay.
"I will be waiting in the library sir." Said the boy.
Harry left the boy and went straight to Minerva's office. 

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