Chapter 10 Trouble in paradise

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Chapter 10 Trouble in paradise

"Harry calm down." Said Ginny.
"But your brothers are gonna kill me if they find out we spend the night together and were not married," Harry started, "and your parents will disown you I am sure of it. "
Ginny started to laugh and kissed Harry on the lips.
He looked surprised but answered the kiss.
"Harry, do you really think that my parents didn't know about this?" Ginny asked.
"What do you think would happen if my mother checked if I was in bed and she would not find me there.
She would tear down the house to find me you know that so they had to know that I was sleeping with you. They objected in the beginning but well you know me, and besides we are both adults well I'm almost an adult so they could not stop me.
If you don't believe me lets go downstairs and ask them."

Harry was stunned and amazed by his girlfriend.
"But what about Ron and Hermione," he said, "They didn't know, did they? He asked."
"No, they didn't although, I would not be surprised if Hermione figured it out.
She is really smart you know, it is a shame my brother isn't." Said Ginny. 

Harry grabbed Ginny around her waist and pulled her towards her for a big kiss.
"Let's go downstairs." He said.
They both got dressed and went downstairs.
"Morning dears." came the cheery voice of Mrs. Weasley.
"Morning Mom, where's dad?" Asked Ginny
"Morning Mrs. Weasley." Said Harry in a low voice.
"Did you sleep well Harry you look a bit tired?" Mrs. Weasley asked with worry in her voice.
"I slept fine but woke up with a shock." Harry told the Weasley matriarch

Mrs. Weasley smiled, "Ginny did you explain to him it was alright?"
"I did this morning but then the shock had already taken place." Ginny said with a small smile around her lips.
"Harry why did you think we placed you in Percy's old room two weeks ago." Mrs. Weasley asked.  "We didn't do it just so you could prepare for your first year as a teacher but also so you and Ginny could have some privacy. I know my daughter Harry and when she and her father went to Diagon alley without me I knew she was gonna buy something I would never agree with. They returned and showed it to me." Mrs. Weasley explaint it all to Harry.
"Don't be shy Harry." Said Mrs. Weasley with a smile as she saw Harry turning red with shame.
"I know Ginny looked wonderful in it last night." With those words Ginny also turned a slight red.
"She had already shared her plans with her father so she only had to convince me." Mrs. Weasley continued her explanation. "I must say I didn't like the idea at first at all I really didn't want it to happen, but Ginny said that she would do it with or without my approval so I had little choice to approve it. So tell me, Harry, how did my little girl look in that set?" Mrs. Weasley asked with a wicked smile. 

"MOM STOP IT!" screamed Ginny as she and Harry turned even redder than they had been a few minutes earlier.
"Give a mother a little fun," Mrs. Weasley said as she smiled, "and with the look of Harry you looked stunning dear so there is nothing to be ashamed of."
"Ashamed of what," Came the sleepy voice of Ron, "and Harry take a breath you look as red as Ginny's hair" he continued. Ron walked straight to the counter and made some bread for himself.
"Nothing Ron," said Ginny, "just nothing."
"Huh oh okay" Said Ron as he continued to finish his breakfast.

"Hey, Harry what are you gonna do with the quidditch cup this year. I mean you are a teacher and a student so can you play or not?" Ron continued.
"I don't know Ron said Harry, I have to ask McGonagall if it is allowed for me to play." Harry told his friend while amazed at how Ron had not noticed anything. 
"Well, I want to compete again so I need some training want to join?" Ron said.
"No I can't," Said Harry. "I have to complete my preparations for the first week of lessons I want to give. So you just go and I will see you later okay."

Harry got up and went to his room.
When Hermione got down and just saw Ginny and Ron there she asked where Harry was. After Ginny told about the little chat Ron and Harry had she looked furious at Ron. "Always quidditch I would have thought you would have grown up a little more Ron after what happened last year."  and she walked out of the house.
"You take some bread to her and apologize Ronald Weasley, " said Ginny "I will talk to my boyfriend."
"But I did nothing wrong." Ron protested.
Ginny turned on her heels and had her wand out. "Would you want some bat bogey's Ron? She asked angerly. If not then you better do as I say and get Hermione some breakfast and you better do it NOW!"
"Ginny don't point that wand at your brother." came the voice of Mrs. Weasley but in a way you could tell she agreed with Ginny.
"Sorry mom but this big dumb ass needs to learn some manners so I had to. Now Ron get going."
Ron took out his wand made a tray of sandwiches and a great cup of coffee and left the house as fast as he could.
"So now for my boyfriend." Said Ginny as she left the kitchen.
Mrs. Weasley just shook her head and smiled. She will be such a great mother one day she thought.
Ron came out in the garden and looked for Hermione.
He saw her sitting near the pond with her back against a tree and her hands around her knees.
I am in big trouble he thought and took the breakfast to Hermione. 

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