Life Poem

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Walking down a road called life. As time passes, the view changes in a blink of an eye. There will always be more then one path to walk through. No road is right or wrong.

As long as you stay true to yourself.

The journey is weird and unpredictable. You could experience smooth journeys, feeling joy and happiness. Or bumpy journeys, feeling devastation and sadness.

But no matter the road, no matter the journey. In the end I'll get to my destination called Death. But before that happens, let me enjoy the now.

Let me finish writing my story about my journey through life.

Just play around, let them shine. Pretend your happy, pretend your fine. They will believe your smiles, they will believe your lies. Watch in the distance as they laughed and talked. No! Just ignore it. Just walk and walk.

I'm confused, I'm full of disdain, someone help me end this pain. "Follow your heart" but which piece do I follow? Inside, I feel so hollow.

I want to tell them how I feel. I know I'll end up kneeling and breaking down as I weep. So I need to tell them, to get rid of this pain I keep.

But for their happiness, and their sake, I will keep silent, I'll smile and wait. Will I regret these mistakes I've made? Probably, but it'll be too late.

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