Too long

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"Nezuko, we're almost there. Just stay in your box a little bit longer." Tanjiro reassured her. "Once we get there, you'll finally be able to meet the friends I was talking about."

Tanjiro heard a small "mhm" noise echo from the box. He smiled from ear to ear before continuing to trudge through the forest. "Ah, it's been way too long since I've seen the two," Tanjiro ranted while Nezuko listened.

"NEZUKO!" Tanjiro suddenly shouted. "I just remembered something! Kanao! You would love to meet her, I think you guys would be great friends. Hopefully she isn't bothered by the fact that you're a demon."

Tanjiro continued ranting and yelling but Nezuko didn't listen as she did before, instead she was more focused on how to make a good impression on Tanjiro's new friends. She didn't want to scare them away.

"Nezuko! We're here!" Tanjiro yelled, raising his hand and patting the top of the box before walking inside of the small cottage.

"Tanjiro Kamado!" Uzui, the sound pillar, greeted him. "I was unexpectedly called out for a mission for the rest of today. Do you think you would be ok here alone with your friends and sister?" He asked, gripping Tanjiro's shoulder tightly.

"Yes sir!" Tanjiro bowed. Uzui gave a quick nod before walking out of the door.

"TANJIRO!" Zenitsu screamed, running into the living room. "Inosuke is trying to-" He began to speak frantically before his collar was grabbed roughly and he was pulled back into the other room, where more yelling was heard.

Tanjiro sat down with Nezuko's box. "It's too bright in here, I'll let you out once it gets dark outside." Tanjiro reassured. He shifted his gaze up to the clock that hung loosely on the wall. 8:34 p.m.

"It should be getting dark around nine, that leaves about 20 minutes or so." Tanjiro stated, rising up from his seat.

"Zenitsu! Inosuke!" He yelled, clapping his hands together roughly.

They both came stumbling into the room, Zenitsu trembling frantically.

"Guys, it's already pretty late, we have a mission together at four in the morning tomorrow! We should get some rest." Tanjiro stated, pointing to the 3 blankets on the floor.

Zenitsu sighed before jumping on to the red blanket. "You're right. I can't fight if I'm tired." He mumbled.

Inosuke slid onto the green bed, falling asleep not even two minutes later. Tanjiro and Zenitsu were still awake, talking about breathing styles and their swords.

"Hey Zenitsu, speaking of swords, I think they're supposed to come tomorrow, right before our mission!" Tanjiro smiled before shifting his gaze outside of the window. It was dark out.

Tanjiro slipped from underneath the covers, crawling carefully over to Nezuko's box. Zenitsu sat up in his bed. "Tanjiro.. are you gonna let out the demon?" He asked, his hands shaking.

"Yes, but I promise Zenitsu, she's a good demon!" Tanjiro reassured, opening the box slowly.

Zenitsu began to subconsciously back away.

"Nezuko!" Tanjiro whisper-shouted, still smiling ear to ear. Nezuko wrapped her arms tightly around her brother.

"AHHHHH!" Zenitsu screamed impossibly loud.

"What?! Zenitsu!" Tanjiro yelled.


"She's my sister!" Tanjiro shot back.

Zenitsu continued rambling and screaming as Tanjiro slid back under the blanket. "Zenitsu.. please, let's just discuss this tomorrow morning. I need rest!" Tanjiro whined.

The room fell silent, the only noise that could be heard was Zenitsu shifting slightly, sliding back underneath his blanket.

A deep sleep began to consume Tanjiro, his eyes fluttering shut and his limbs going limp. "Good.. night." He said, before drifting off.

Tanjiro's eyes shot open at the sounds of screaming and yelling. He sat up quickly, greeted by Inosuke and Zenitsu fighting again. Luckily this time it wasn't physical.

Tanjiro shifted his gaze over to the clock. 2 am. He looked back towards the two boys who were now much calmer upon noticing Tanjiro is now awake.

"Tanjirooo," Zenitsu cried. "Is Nezuko-Chan coming on our mission with us?"

"Yes, but she will be in her box for most of the time," Tanjiro sighed, running his hands through his hair.

Zenitsu was about to start complaining, but a loud knock at the door interrupted him. Zenitsu and Inosuke looked confused, but Tanjiro knew.

"Our swords!" He yelled, jumping up from the blanket.

He gripped the door knob, opening the door quickly causing it to slam into the wall.

"Hotaru Haganezuka," a man with a pink mask introduced himself, throwing out his hand.

"Tanjiro Kamado!" Tanjiro smiled, taking Haganezuka's hand.

"I'm here with your swords," Haganezuka said, retracting his hand from Tanjiro's to grab a huge bag that sat on the floor next to him.

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