🥀 Chapter : 15 🥀

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Riddhima  opens her eyes and looks towards the couch Which is empty...
She Shockingly gets up and looks at surroundings..
Sunrays are  peeping behind the curtain...

She looks at the wall clock...

Riddhima : ( Shockingly ) Oh...shitt ! It's 10'o clock...
     How can I slept too much ?
Vansh went for his office surely...
I don't prepare breakfast for him also...
Why not he call me ?
Last night also I fallen asleep to wait for him eagerly..
After that don't know when he came back , I awaken when he feeded me the dinner...

She smiles to remember that moment...
Last night I slept peacefully like earlier days...
Slowly removes the blanket, she gets down from the bed and wears the slipper...
She comes in front of the mirror...

" Am I falling love with you really ? "

From the couch someone says " Don't plan to hurt me again.. This time I can't be able to survive "

Riddhima looks back to hear Vansh's voice...

" Vansh ! " ---- She scrims in shock...
But she notices no one is behind her , that's her imagination only...
Don't think much she goes to washroom and takes shower to clam the mind...

After bath she gets down in the drawing room to get ready...

Dadi notices Riddhima is coming...

Dadi : Good Morning Dear !

Riddhima : Good Morning Dadi !
Sorry I'm become late today...
Actually last night I slept peacefully without sleeping pills you know then can't able to understand when it's become morning...
Let's you take rest , I'm looking after  the remain  household works..
( She takes the knife and starts to cut the veggies )
BTW Dadi ! Was Vansh go out for office to complete his breakfast ?

Dadi Shockingly looks at Riddhima...

Dadi : Riddhima ! You are forgetting about  today's date?

Riddhima : ( surprisingly ) What's today ?
Something special ?
She tries to remember to make her face pout..

Dadi ( smiles to look at her ) : Thank God you forget otherwise in tension you couldn't able to sleep...
Today is 29 th June ; the result of your MBA final semester 's result will be publish today...
So... leave the household works, you get ready for university...

Riddhima 's face become pale to hear it...

" Today is 29th june... I totally forget about it  " ---- in Shocking tone & she pats her forehead...

" Dadi ! I'm going to my room "

Dadi : Yeah...Go and gets ready soon...

Amrutha and Smrita will be waiting for you in the university for you ; they called...

Riddhima rushes towards her room...
She falls on the bed...
She feels breathless to hear about the university..
Her breathing problem starts....
Somehow she takes out the in healer from the drawer and take it...

After some time  :

Dadi is waiting for Riddhima but she doesn't come back still now...

Dadi : What happened to her ?
Let's me check...

Dadi opens the door..

Dadi ( Shockingly ) : Riddhima ! Are you okay ?

Riddhima (wipes her tears ) : Yes Dadi... I'm fine..
She gets down from the bed..

Dadi :  Why are you looking stressed ?
Are you feeling tension for result ?
Don't worry you will obtain good marks...
( She cups her face )

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