🥀 Chapter : 73🥀

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" Mr. Daddy you are all rounder 😄 "
Vansh ( smiles ) : So..Are you accepting that you are lucky to get a husband like me ?😉

Riddhima : When I denied ?
I always said everyone that I'm lucky to get you in my life..

Vansh pulls his ear..
" I can't able to hear praise about me .. Oh ! My gosh ! What I'm hearing..
My ears are habituated to hear ' Vansh ! Please stop your romance.. I have to go ; Dadi is calling.. '

Riddhima laughs to hear her dialogue..
--- " You are so good in mimicry but my version is best as Vansh Raisinghania.. Okay..Now seriously I have to go..
Dadi is waiting for Us.. "

Vansh pats his forehead..
--- " Okay.. You will go but before that you give my reward "

Riddhima shockingly looks at him..

Vansh ( chuckles ) : Why you are looking at me like this ?
I helped you to get ready beautiful..
Now it's your turn..
Give me my reward..
Just Thanks isn't enough..

/ Vansh shows his lips /

Riddhima blushes..
She tries to go away but Vansh holds her hand..
He pulls her and she hits his chest..
She feels goosebumps..

Vansh ( giggles ) : Are you feeling any problem to match the height ?
Let's sit down..

Vansh again makes her sit on the stool in front of the mirror..
Then he kneel down..

Riddhima becomes emotional to see his gesture..
She can be able to excuse him now..
She slowly pulls his head towards her then brushes his hairs affectionately after that she cups his face then slowly keeps her lips on his lips..
She starts to suck his lower lips..

Vansh cups her face and stops her..

--- " Riddhima ! Are you shivering ?
I don't want to take a kiss forcefully like this..
If you are feeling uncomfortable then okay.. "

To say this Vansh stands up..

Riddhima holds his hand..
--- " Sorry ! Vansh ! I didn't want to hurt you..
Please forgive me..
Give me a another chance..
This time it will be better.. "

Vansh : It's okay Riddhima..
I didn't hurt..
Don't need to apologise...
You go but before that you wipes your lipstick , that becomes messy..

Vansh goes away from the room..

Riddhima cries silently to look at the mirror..
She slowly wipes her lipstick..
--- " It becomes one year , we are living together but still I can't able to show my love whole heartedly to you though I'm going to be the mother of your child..
Can't my heart really move on ?
Whenever you love me I can't able to stop you but in return I can't able to love you that much ; sorry Vansh.. "

This time Dadi comes there..

--- "' Riddhima ! What happened ?
Where Vansh went without complete the Aarti ?
He didn't answer me anything.. I felt worried .."

Riddhima looks at Dadi with teary eyes..

Dadi ( hugs her ) : Now I understand..You both quarreled again..
It's okay..
A relationship will be boring without quarrelling 😅
Now wipes your tear..

Riddhima : Dadi ! I am feeling sad..
I don't want to quarrel with him..

Dadi : I know Dear..
You and Vansh loves each other so much..
If you sit here alone like this then your mood swings will increase more..
Come with me..
We will do puja together..

Dadi and Riddhima starts the puja..

Riddhima ( prays ) : Please God make him clam down..
You know , I didn't want to hurt him..
Don't know where he went to became angry upon me..

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