bio (updated)

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Name: Y/n Cousland
What he is Called/ titles: pops (Mordred), my love and y/n (Artoria), last of the Couslands, Warden commander of Britain, dragon slayer, Morgan's end, knight of silver sky, the griffon knight, slayer of Dumat, slayer of silence and Grey Warden of Camelot. Blight breaker. (Grey wardens). The one who walks amongst the animals, fae friend.

Can be summoned as:
Saber class
Rider class
Saviour class
Warden class (his most powerful class)

(Just a quick note it says most powerful but not most proficient, his most proficient class is the saviour class.)

Y/n's class power rankings( in terms of what y/n is the most effective in):
- grand saviour
(Whilst he is still a strong servant in any of the classes he isn't as proficient or experienced in some classes (warden, rider)
The beserker and saber classes are the same level of power.

Y/n is also the Grand saviour meaning if one of the beasts awakens he is summoned by Gaia to protect the earth, it also means he will be appearing in some of the singularities, due to him being able to summon himself in them.

Abilities across all classes:
Charisma boost
Independent action
Golden rule
Mana burst
Mana reinforcement

Unique to y/n abilities:

Animal speaker:
Y/n can speak to animals due to having the title of the who walks with animals, which was granted to him by Gaia, Making him able to understand animals and to a certain extent command animals.

Upon using this skill attack and defence against servants and creatures that have an affinity of draconic, also works against dragons.
However, due to it being an Archdemon mana power output and healing effects are temporarily blocked from being used on y/n.

Independent action and independent summoning:
y/n can act on his own without a master but this limits his ability to use his strong noble phantasms, y/n can also summon himself without a master or a catalyst, into eras of conflict or holy grail wars.

Wardens light:
Increases attack and defence whilst also powering up his np gauge.
In terms of the story, it will lessen the amount of mana he takes from his master when using his noble phantasm

Cousland's blood:
When activated y/n face markings glow red and his attack, defence is massively increased and he also gains invincibility. (This can be used by Mordred but to a lesser degree.
When the face markings stop pulsing they exploded with stored up mana and this can act as a mana reserve for anyone of cousland descent.

When the face markings stop pulsing they exploded with stored up mana and this can act as a mana reserve for anyone of cousland descent

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(That but on guy *the image below* and they are red)
Height: 180cm
What his face looks like:

(That but on guy *the image below* and they are red)Looks:Height: 180cmWhat his face looks like:

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