In The Beging

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Hi my name is Vincent Herondale and this is a story of my biggest secrecy. It all started off when I was walking to school. I could feel something watching me I turn around but feel a little crazy. "Oh my god" I said angrily " I'm turning into my grandfather". " Well why would you say that" I turned around with a jolt. It was my best friend Ashton Freedom.  We've been friends at grade school and now high school. We was never the popular type but we all was very known though out school. By well known I mean by being in the most academics and sport type things though out school. "Well you know why" I said mockingly " every one thought he was psycho you know be living that at night he would be crazy every full moon like a wolf because he had a feeling like he was being watched" . " Okay just because you are bloodline to him doesn't mean that you have a psycho part inside of you".  My grandfather was Austin "goody two shoes" Herondale. I get almost every thing from him especially my kindness to every body well except Jason Argent.  We disliked each other for as long as we can remember. My sign is a Leo his is a Aquarius natural enemy's of life. " Hey you never know. I could be a secret nut job just waiting to go crazy on Jason". "  Yeah and then you can turn into a werewolf and slash his throat" he said historically. " It's not funny Ash. I could really be -" SCREECH.  "Hey watch where you are going prep boy" . Of course it would be him tall muscular and walks around like he is the biggest jock around ( which he actually is). " sorry Jace I'll make sure I beat your car in with a bat the next time I see your trash of car". He gets out the car slowly as  if he is in a movie with Tom cruise. "Let's see how far you'll get with that psycho junior". "Oh I will love to jus let me get a baseball bat from the hooker bar you love so much and I'll meet you in the back of the Allie". That looked like it knocked some life into both him and Ash. I guess I can get a little mischievous at some point but other that that I'm a nice guy. "Well that turns my thought of being your friend around". I know that voice from anywhere. It was Elegant. A tall, slim, black with a highlight of chestnut hair girl who was my first best friend before I met Ash. "And why would you say that". I said all puny. "Yeah I mean I thought I would be the first one you would say that to." Said Ash. "Blah. Oh I think I actually through up in my brain watching all this sappy story stuff". We ignore him as if he was a ghost and go to our first period ( Chemistry) we had all of our classes together I mean everything. We did drama, dance, singing, and even gymnastics. We all had our own very special talents mine was Drama, Singing, and Gymnastics. Ash was Dance, Drama, and Singing. And Ele's  was Dance, Singing, and Gymnastics. Walking down the hallway I got that feeling again. I turn but the only person that was there was Mr. Blake who just turned around and said hi and went back to talking to the rest of my classmates in his class for chemistry. "Vincent, Vincent, Vincent!" I heard faintly. "VINCENT!" " What I'm wait when did I get in class?" " You was here for at least 30 minutes and class is about to end."  " So do you know the answer Mr. Herondale." Excuse me but can you repeat the question?"  " Fine if we would take water from our oxygen what would possibly happen?" Ahh great I'm tired of what if questions what if u died, what if I had no friends, what if, what if, what if! " it is unexplainable because we can only produce oxygen or replicate it. We are not really sure what might happen. But scientists say that we might end up able to breath on other planets than our own." "Wonderful explanation Vincent but would u mine entering your thoughts into the chemistry contest I'm pretty sure that they will love a new-." DIIINNNNGGGGGGGG. Who knew that saved by the bell was actually a helpful saying. " What happened in there Vin. I mean one minute your fine the next minute your zoomed out. Wait were you-?" " I really don't know all I remember was seeing Mr.Blake and then blank".  Wow I think I am going psycho well at least I'm not going angry spree or I will really be my grandfather. "Well at least you don't have to do a full on back bend to a split" said Ele. "Well look at the freak family always doing the same thing at the same time I could cry tears of-" " Okay  first of all wolf personality no one asked for your opinion and second of all at least I don't have to sit in the back of class and look as stupid as a fly bird try to be a penguin so you can take your 8.0 average but somewhere before I do it for you." Oh my it came out so quickly I couldn't stop it. It just spluttered out of my mouth so much it sound as if I was confessing to the devil or something. " Mr. Herondale you will stay after school after you stay for gymnastics and that is an order."  " Oh so now we're at boot camp I rather go the opposite of heaven than to be here after a gymnastics." It happened all of my anger just came out with a sudden surprise of happiness. "I'm so sorry I didn't mean to it just. I'll stay just don't bring this up to anyone okay thanks." Then I walk away it felt as if I was being watched by millions of people well juniors anyway. I went to the bathroom and cried all the two periods including missing drama and singing class."Vincent? " wait it couldn't be him " I'm sorry for how I made you loose your mind today it's just that well we've been enemy's for as long as we can remember but yet we are like secrecy friends." Did he just really say. I opened the bathroom stall door with so much force it scared the living day light out if him. " You expect me to just listen to you and just forget what you've done to me. You've destroyed my reputation of being nice and then you just Ahhhh." I stormed out of the bathroom stomping all the way to fourth period waiting there as usual is my two best friends in the world that knew my one only secret that only between us and that's why I love them so much they keep me sane and normal during this life but for now I can keep my anger hidden for it is to be kept a secret for as long I can keep it. " Look we all know about that accident that happen in the hallway wasn't your fault so they gave Jace detention after gymnastics practice also so your good." Said Ele. " And we both decide to stay at the school until your jail time is done."  " Ha ha ha very funny but still thanks guys but does that mean when Jace tried to apologize he actually meant it?" " I guess I mean was that the first time he ever apologize to anyone especially you." " Yeah" I said sadly " I guess it means he was really sorry."  After school was over it was off to gymnastics practice and Ele couldn't wait she was finally going to create her first gymnastics routine. Mine was a one hand cartwheel, to a front flip, a round off, all the way to a back bend. " Ready for this Ele?" " Oh I don't know I mean it's not as good as yours yours had more bending and gracefulness." " Just start off with the one hand cartwheel and do your thing" said Ash. " Your right thanks Ash." She reached up a kisses him on the cheek. Lately Ash and Ele has became  boyfriend and girlfriend. I think it started in the begging of high school after that whole kissing accident. People thought Ash was still a virgin so Ele volunteered to kiss him so it could prove that he wasn't and that's when it started. But every one knows I'm the only virgin in the group so I'm okay with it. Off Ele went to do her thing she started off with the one hand cartwheel, went to a back bend and ended with a split it was a graceful ending and she said she couldn't do it. " what happen to not being more better than my routine?" I said defensively. " Oh be quite Vin you was the one who motivated me." She did have a point there so I let her have it but after this I have jail time with Jace so they wish me luck and off I go. I go to Mr. Blake's classroom for he was the one who put me in here with Jace although I have no thing left to learn in my classes so I'm just bored. " I have to leave I have somewhere to be tonight just don't sit near the window it it a full moon" he said with a grin on the side of his face. Click.  " So I guess you figured out what I did" said Jace cruelly. " Yes I do know but you have nothing to use against me. And you have to admit that you had it coming to you in the bathroom."  " Well at least I said that I was sorry what more do I have to say." Well u can start by-." AHHHHHHHHHH!  You have to be kidding me now I'm the one being cut off. " w-w-what was that?." Asked Jace " I don't know" I said " but I'm not going to stick around to find out". I quickly grabbed my bags I left but then I hear a door hinge squeak open slowly. Then I see it a figure at least 6 feet tall with glowing red eyes and shark like fangs with transparent like claws. Then it comes running after me like a cheetah I was Quick enough to manage a little scream but it was cut short. AHHHH- I fall bleeding from my neck up. " Why did u do that?" I heard a faint voice call " I told u not to touch him!" The faint voice sound more angry now. But as if it could hear the thing the voice spoke back " I know but u can't do anything about it but you still didn't answer my question!" Then it spoke " Because wolfs are not suppose to be-." Then I black out not feeling a bone in my body feeling as if I was dead as light as a feather being free with the wind.

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