Secrects of the Woods

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Looking at the painting I ripped off the paint paper and saw a paragraph of where Malcolm could possible be. I began to read the paper "To find the key to where he hides all the secrets must lay inside the place where all creatures must hide." I wish Ele was here so much right now but I just can't call her while she is being kidnaped. "Okay last see" I started to say "so where creatures must hide." I began to think. A hide out, but it used creature as a plural meaning that more than one species can hide there. "The woods of course." I said out loud by a sudden burst "so all I need now is to find the secrets that is inside the woods." Then I let out a cry "But where in the Hades is the woods or to be exact what is the woods?" I couldn't stand being alone for even a hour. Even when I was young I needed to be around people but not to much of them. "You look just like them you know." I was startled when I heard that voice. I turned around slowly and saw a transparent figure in front of me a ghost well at least I think he was a ghost. "Who are you exactly?" He asked. "The question should be who are you?" I remarked. "The name is Griffon, Griffon starlight. And you must be Vincent." He said with a smile. "So you do know me. But your related to Elegant." He nodded his head and started humming "She is my great great great great granddaughter. And I knew your greats to, We was actually best friends." "So why are you here exactly?" I asked trying to sound calm. "I'm here to help you of course to find the Starlight Woods." I was just staring at him looking as if I was trying to learn multiplication in second grade again. "Yes we have woods named after us but only because we saved it." "Again why are you here?" I said stubbornly. "Sorry just still trying to figure out why you didn't help save Ele and Jace." He just looked at me hiding his true words in his pleasant way of speaking. "I am here to help you not Jace nor my granddaughter!" That time I could hear his true Starlight side bright but deadly. "Sorry very sorry. But since you are here where exactly is the Starlight woods?" He turned around and walked towards the painting. "Have you not read the paragraph yet?" He asked as if I was a child "of course" I replied "I mean why else would you be here?" He looked at me as if I was smoking we both knew the answer to it so he left the conversation of that question and continued "The key to where he hides all secrets must lay inside." He kept repeating to himself. "Why can't I figure this out, I was the one who made the darn riddle!" And with that he rushed straight through wall only causing a breeze to blow through out the center. And then I sat down studying the riddle itself moving and creating words in between sentences trying to make since of it then it hit me. "Hey Griffon!" I yelled "what" he said with only his head showing. "The words say that a key secrets and inside." He rolled his eyes "and that means what to me exactly?" "It's meaning that the 'key' to finding the 'secrets' of the woods or in our case the entrance to it lays 'inside' of the northern gates. So that means that my grandma knew where it was but never got a chance to find it herself." I said talking to myself. He was pacing back and fourth thinking about where the entrance could be at then he stopped floated up to the top of the roof and came back crashing down. "The entrance is in the room where dark meets light where good meets evil." "And where is that exactly?" He started rushing upstairs with me following right behind him and then he stopped at the room I stopped at to play the viola. "I know this room but why this one?" He was turning around constantly in the room and then he tripped "the dark of the moon touches the painted sun of the west, and the light of the sun touches the painted moon on the east." I finally understood what he was talking about "and that means that where the opposites touch so does the good and evil." I said. And he nodded viscously "and all we have to do is produce enough light and dark at the same time during midday and off to the woods we shall go." "Wait your coming with me?" I asked "of course my granddaughter is out there somewhere I need to save her." He was right I wanted to save everyone I loved so I could violently agree with him. "Wait how are we suppose to create dark and light at the same time." He let out a grim like smile grow across his face slowly. "This is how it's going to work" he started "I will use the dark light of Starlights and you'll use the regular happiness that you and your great great great great grandfather used when we did this before." He made my eyes wobble "you did this before?" I asked. "Why do you think we're in this trouble right now?" I blew my breath. I was tired because I haven't had sleep in so long and I actually think that I was seeing Ash when my parents was here. "Join hands together at the exact moment the sun sets to dawn and let all your emotions go out but not the bad one only good, leave the bad ones to me." And I did exactly what he said. I remembered my parents dancing on their anniversary or when me and Ele first meet Ash, and especially when Jace apologized about getting me in trouble. Then I felt my body change and all I could see when I opened my eyes and saw Griffon on the ground trembling crying actual tears human tears he was back alive but how? "You made me come back alive you have your grandfathers gift." My eyes glowed with joy and excitement "what exactly was my grandfather?" I asked. "Well after he married the great wolf there was an effect. Most of powers was also transferred to him and caused him to be a type of werewolf angle hybrid. And it gave him the gift to bring back life." I was lost but there was one more question I had to ask "how did he learn he had the power of restoring life?" He cracked his usual smile but it seemed way more brighter than his ghostly smile "The willow tree in the painting is in the reason how he learned. He was crying over the tree over what happened to his pet bird and then there was a sudden gust of wind that came right through tree and then all we could see was the blossom of the tree." I started to smile but then in Griffon's eye I could see a glow of a portal in it and there it was the entrance to the Starlight woods. "By any chance is that Willow tree in the direct middle of Starlight woods or is it a coincidence that I just thought about it?" "I don't know how you two did it but your right it's in the middle. But why do you ask?" "I have a felling that Ele and Jace is being held hostage there and me and you are going to break them out." And off we went into the portal with a swirl of light closing behind us.

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