chapter eleven

528 5 4

warnings: smut!! punishment, safe wording out of a punishment
word count: 4.5k


"pretty boy." a small groan leaves my lips as shemar grabs my shoulders and shakes them rather aggressively. aj and kirsten laugh as he comes to sit next to me, pulling me into his side. "i've got a proposition for you."

"and i've heard about it!" kirsten exclaims excitedly. "it's a good one."

"i know this wonderful woman who is exactly your type," he nudged my head and i nudge his hand right back, pushing him away. "come on, man! you and leslie tomorrow night at nobu. doesn't that sound great?"

i shake my head as i shove fries in my mouth. "thanks but no thanks. i'm good."

everyone is surprised. they're absolutely shocked. in the past, i've never really said no to one of these propositions. i've always been willing to meet new people and i trust shemar to set me up with someone good. but this time, i'm not looking for anyone new. i have the woman i'm after and i'm not looking to ruin that by going out with someone else. even though it's in the contract out of courtesy, i never intended on using that rule to my advantage.

"no? for real? you don't wanna hear anything else about her?" shemar's voice pitches up in surprise.

"no, i don't. thanks but no thanks."

"oh," he mumbles. our table is silent for a second as everyone processes my refusal. i try not to meet their eyes in order to keep suspicion away but it obviously doesn't work. "oh! you've already got a girl!"

the girls agree and jump at me, shouting at me to explain who she is and just wanting to know everything. "oh my god, stop yelling!"

"you have to tell us!" kirsten is basically shouting in my ear. "tell us! name! looks! career! cats or dogs! speak, boy!"

i laugh, pushing them all away from me so i can settle in my seat and at least try to enjoy my lunch. "she's not my girlfriend," i state right off the bat. "i want her to be but i doubt it's gonna happen. she does have a cat," kirsten cheers at that, "she has brown hair and green eyes, she works in fashion, and i'm not telling you her name."

"aw, you're no fun," aj teases with a shove to my shoulder.

"can't wait to meet her," shemar pats my shoulder reassuringly. "i'm sure she's great."

in my head, i think, yeah i'd like to meet her too. the old her.

i spend the rest of my day at work thinking about kendall. i'm thinking about her criminally gorgeous smile and how happy she makes me and how good she makes me feel. i'm thinking about her so much that i'm fumbling lines and forgetting where to go. all i can think about is seeing her tonight and getting to be with her, brat or not. any time with kendall is going to be the best time.

i rush home before anyone can question what is wrong with me today, practically speeding home. kendall texts me on the way to say that she won't be late from work and that she'll see me soon. like usual, i jump in the shower when i get home. i wash away the stress of the day with boiling hot water.

when i'm finished, i wrap a towel around my waist and shake out the water in my hair. i leave the bathroom and instantly jump when i find kendall laying in my bed, lounged back in the cute red dress she wore to work.

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