Chapter 1: Not the One I Love

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". . . But you're not the one I love," he lied.

"I- I apologize, Sir-" Voice shaking, Nathalie then stayed silent. Tears were burning at the brim of her deep blue eyes as she looked away from him.

"You are excused, Miss Sancoeur," Gabriel said in a cold tone with his back turned to her. He was unable to look her in the eye. Gabriel stood in silence, facing the window watching two water droplets race against the wet exterior surface. He could see the streets of Paris and the bright lights that illuminated the city during the night. Even with such a mesmerizing view, he could only see and sense a despair and heartbroken Nathalie walking away through the reflection. I'm sorry, my Nathalie, he mentally stated. Seconds later, he heard a door silently click shut through the halls.

Nathalie walked into her bedroom situated within the Agreste mansion, surrendering to the tears accumulated. She knew that Gabriel would never reciprocate her feelings. He could never, for it would be wrong. He was a married man doing anything, if not everything, for his family. She dragged herself to her bed and miserably sat on top. She was desperate to get rid of the sudden emptiness in her heart. She couldn't. Humiliation filled her.

Why? Why does it have to be this way? Why did I have to be so idiotic? To fall for a married man? she thought.

She wiped a few extra tears off her cheeks only to realize the wipes were in vain. Tears wouldn't stop streaming down as they felt like her soul was slowly being extracted from her body through them. She constantly hid her emotions behind a cold stare and distant demeanor, but she could not control them this time. She could taste her salty tears as they rolled past her numbly chewed lips to the tip of her chin. Although she felt weary, she had enough energy to slip into her black pajamas. The soft fabric brushing against her smooth and pale skin did not comfort her as it usually did. She felt wounded.

Twenty minutes prior

10:35 P.M. Gabriel was time invested in his new fashion collection to notice the time. Nathalie hesitantly offered to aid him but was initially dismissed by the man's simple wave of a hand. "Sir, I insist. You work too hard. Let me help you."

"Nathalie . . ."

"Gabriel," she insisted, "Please. Let me accompany you."

Gabriel's new fashion collection was, as always, inspired by his lover and wife, Emilie. As he worked his way through his sketches, his mind was flooded with the idea of obtaining the miraculous he so desired to bring his love back. He figured that he'd eventually ask Nathalie to come up with a plan or bring Mayura back. 

Nathalie. Gabriel knew he needed her. He needed her to stay at his side, as both; Nathalie and Mayura. Who other than she would help him seize Ladybug and Cat Noir's miraculouses? Yes, he was wracked with guilt as he knew Nathalie was wounded from utilizing the peacock miraculous. He knew that she would stay loyal to him. She was his assistant, after all. In her presence, he felt they would win. He felt her companionship. Her solace. Above all, he felt her stowed love for him. He already knew. And he was using her—at least he was initially.

"If you wish to accompany me while I work, then please do so," Gabriel said, softening the tone in his voice while gesturing his hand towards her desk. 

He pretended to immediately set his focus on the sketches when he actually slightly raised his gaze and watched her walk over to her desk. 

Nathalie caught him staring as she sat down to finish organizing the Agreste's schedules, but Gabriel set his focus back onto his work as soon as they caught each other's gaze. 

They didn't speak to each other. Instead, they enjoyed each other's company in silence. The only audible sounds were Mr. Agreste's light taps on his screen, Miss Sancoeur's fingers typing on her keyboard, and the rhythmic patter of the rain hitting the roof of the Agreste mansion.

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