Chapter 4: I Wouldn't Miss You

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"It's midnight, where the hell were you?!" He asked her when she shut the door to the atelier behind her.

Gabriel was tremendously tormented with his guilt, concern, and rage. He was angry at her for walking out of the mansion. For coming back extremely late. For torturing him with angst.

But his infuriation was replaced with panic in the blink of an eye when he saw her flinch at his expression. He did not want her to fret and collapse. And yet, there she was in front of him, challenging to stand upright.

He briskly walked to her side in an attempt to hold her upright. As he did so, he could whiff the faint smell of alcohol. Now he undeniably wanted to know where she had been within the past hours. Nathalie pushed herself away from his arms and met his concerned blue-grey eyes.

"I was out. I didn't know what to do here. You said you didn't want to see me."

"I'm still waiting for you to explain where you have-"

"I don't owe you an explanation," Nathalie snapped at him.

This isn't like you, Nathalie, he thought, This is my fault. I was mad, but I should've kept an eye on you.

"I know, Nathalie. I understand that I have no right to be in your business. But I just-"

"If you know, then why the hell do you care?" she sputtered as she swatted his hand away from her when he attempted to reach out towards her. She felt tipsy but mentally thanked the alcohol for giving her the courage to perform such action.

"I don't like the idea of you walking down the streets alone!" he desperately cried out.

"I was not alone!"

The room fell silent, once again. Gabriel paused. His heart accelerated. A confused expression came across his face as he searched her eyes for further explanation.

"Do not act like you care, Gabriel."

"Of course I care!"

"If you care about something other than yourself and Emilie, then care about Adrien!"

"Why do you have to bring Adrien into the conversation everytime we argue?!"

"The only reason why we're here in the first place, is because of the argument we had regarding him!"

Anger slapped him in the face. He only wanted to know about her, and yet she found a way to bring Adrien up.

Both adults took a few deep breaths, finding a way to control their temper. Nathalie was quicker than Gabriel at that.

"Listen, Gabriel. That "care" should be directed towards your son. Not me," she began. "If caring for me blocks your availability for your son, then perhaps . . ."

"No," he firmly whispered, glaring into her eyes. Gabriel knew what she was thinking.

". . . I should leave."

Damn, that stubbornness. Gabriel knew she had already contemplated it and that her mind was made up. He knew he couldn't change that, which only infuriated him.

"Fine," he muttered. "Do whatever you want."

Telling her that stung his heart.

"I'll pack my things," she replied, setting her eyes to the floor.

He did not want to accept the pain. Instead, he morphed it into anger, feeding his rage.

"I wouldn't miss you," he found himself saying. "Nobody would."

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