Chapter 8: Kiss Me

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After the conversation Gabriel had with Marinette, his dreams starring his assistant only became more intense. They would vary from being the most intimate fantasies to the most agonizing nightmares. To think that he felt something towards Nathalie felt wrong although everything in his sleep proved otherwise. But the thought of Nathalie wanting to hurt him unsettled him. The thought began when he had the first nightmare.

He had no control over himself. He could only think and internally speak. The individual who was supposed to be himself in his dreams, was a different person. In his dreams, he was either madly in love with Nathalie or completely hateful towards her. He did not understand why. He did not hate her, so why would he abuse her? And he didn't love her, so why did he kiss her? Both, fantasy and nightmare, terrified him.

Rain poured from the dark and dim night sky. Nathalie was there, standing at the edge of the Montparnasse tower. She had her back turned to him. He stood many feet away from her, facing her. The individuals were doused from the weather, both feeling uncomfortable from the soaked clothes they wore adhering to their skin. But the uncomfortableness didn't affect him as much as watching how she neared closer to the edge. Horror filled him as he watched her look over it.

He wanted to desperately run to her. He longed to stop her from doing what he thought she wanted to do. He wanted her safe in his arms. But he couldn't move. He could only watch. Why wasn't he stopping her? Why wasn't he doing anything? In this particular dream, did he want her love or did he want her gone? Suddenly, he found himself calling out to her.

"Nathalie! What the hell are you doing?!"

Nathalie did not turn to look at him. She stared off into the distance, seemingly ignoring his calls.

"Nathalie," he desperately continued, "Please take a few steps back! We can talk about what happened!"

She still stood in the same position. The look on her face was as if she were possessed. A roll of thunder was heard, sending heavier rain to pour on them. He felt as if she could slip over the edge of the tower at any moment.

Finally, he took off in her direction. Gabriel told himself to run faster, but he couldn't. He watched his arm reach for her.

As he came closer to her, he watched her transform into Mayura as quick as the flash of lighting. Then, she turned to him and tightly grasped his wrist as he approached her. A sinister grin spread across Mayura's face as Gabriel paused to glance at her hand. Gabriel's eyes shot up to meet her threatening stare.

"Aw, look at you, Mr. Agreste. Coming to save me? After you decided to hurt me again?" Mayura spoke in a spine-chilling tone.

"Nath- Mayura?" He searched her ghastly eyes. There was no shine in them. They were dull, almost lifeless. A hell burned within them.

"Don't 'Mayura' me. You never cared about me."

"Of course, I care about you. That's why I'm here to save you."

Mayura let out a menacing chuckle.

"Here to save me? Well congratulations, Mr. Agreste, you've successfully done so," she coldly hissed.

Her grip on his wrist tightened. He felt a slight tug in the direction of the edge.

"But who's going to save you, now?!" Mayura shrieked as she pulled Gabriel off the edge of the tower by the wrist.

Dread filled the man as he plummeted to his demise. As he fell, he saw Mayura's figure through the rain. She stood in the same spot where she had thrown him, looking down at him with the same sinister grin spread across her face.

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