IHV2 Part 4

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My whittle dream series continued...remember to request!


"You know I'm surprised...I did not think this was a good idea." I am sitting at my table in my dorm staring at the food that Bammie and I cooked together. "Yeah same but I really didn't feel like going out to the café and bringing it back up here." The doorbell rings and Yugyeom goes to the door. He takes a bag from a dude at the door and comes to the table. "What was that?" He takes a food container out the bag. "Oh yeah the cafeteria has room service now, you just order whatever online and it comes to your door."

BamBam and I look at each other. "We made this food for nothing?? Oh well at least we know we can cook together well." I sigh. "That's true." We all start eating and enjoying our food. "So Mina are you excited to record your first album?" I nod. "Yeah I am, Jay has been so helpful with everything. I've also really been working on my dancing and it's been improving. Being signed with him is probably the best decision I've made career-wise."

"You're almost set to debut too, have you picked a stage name?" "Oh yeah YuMi, my name plus my Korean name put together creates a Japanese name...which means something nice so why not." Yugyeom raises an eyebrow. "What's your Korean name again?" "Yuna...please pass the 고추장 sauce?" BamBam passes it over and Yugyeom nods. "That's so cute, it fits you. Your tutor picked the right name."

"Hey where are you right now?" Jackson FaceTimes me while I'm on break at a photoshoot. "Oh you know in a photoshoot for a magazine cover with the other top 5 candidates. I'm ready to go home though." I watch the others laughing and hanging out together on the other side of the venue. "Well aren't Charlie and Kai there? Why don't you go be social and talk to them?" I shake my head. "They're with their new group and I'm not going to interrupt. I'm actually kinda tired and might just see if I can leave soon. I'll ask my manager." He laughs. "Sam right?" I sigh.

"Yeah but surprisingly he's a good manager, he went to get me coffee awhile ago." Sam comes running with my coffee in hand. "Okay so apparently they got enough shots of you and I convinced them to do the interview another day so you can leave. Here's your coffee...is that Jackson?" Jackson waves. "See I told you baby he's a great manager. Thank you for the coffee and now I will be going to take a nap. Babe I'll call you when I get back."


I sigh pressing the button for the elevator in my building. My day has been kinda weird, I feel like I'm losing my friends and I'm starting to feel like a loner. "Hey Miname what's up?" BamBam asks strolling in the lobby. "Ah nothing actually...just sinking into a depression." He frowns. "Uh no no we're not gonna do that! Alright let's go, I'm taking you out. We're gonna have some fun, I'll call Jinyoung and Yugyeom!" He pulls me out of the building as he calls the boys.


We all end up at one of the cafés I've seen on YouTube. "You've been wanting to come here right? I saw it in your YouTube history." I raise an eyebrow. "I'll ignore the last part because I'm not sure how you did that but yes, I've been wanting to come. Oh well I left my money back at the dorm so let's go." I go to leave but Jinyoung pulls me back. "We're treating, let's go in." The all drag me inside and make me sit at a booth.

"So Mina what would you like to eat, I know you apparently have been attracted to street food lately." I shrug sighing. "Those cheese corn dogs are just so good I can't help it. I really want to try 계란빵 here though, I've not had a chance to try it yet because I don't wake up early enough on campus and when I do I have to go to a photoshoot and I can't eat before those so."

"Egg bread it is then, we'll all have some." Jinyoung goes and orders for the table. "So what's got you so down?" I shrug. "Well lately I haven't seen any of my friends. They're all busy or if I do see them, they're with other people. I just feel like things aren't the same and like eventually we won't be friends anymore because we're all living different lives. It's because I didn't choose to be in the girl group...sometimes I wish I sucked it up and joined."

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