Felix~ Simp Culture

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I am totally head over heels in love with Lee Felix. I think about him everyday and just the thought of him gives me butterflies but there's just a slight problem...he's in love with my best friend and not me. She doesn't like him instead opting for his friend Jisung but that doesn't stop him from liking her all the same. He complains to me about her and I honestly feel sorry fo the guy because he has an unrequited love...much like the one I have for him. I'd do anything for him but he obviously doesn't feel like that for me.

"Y/n you should just tell him how you feel, you'll end up getting hurt in the process if you don't." Chan sympathizes being my other best friend. "I can't because I know he's going to reject me, he loves Mirah and she loves Jisung. Sometimes I feel like I'm going to die just hearing him be so obvious around her. I wish he loved me...maybe I should get it over with now. I'll call him."


"Hey you wanted to meet up?" I sigh not being able to meet his eyes. "I did...I wanted to tell you that.... I kinda like you but I know you don't like me that way so I'm fine with that. I just had to tell you that." He looks surprised and blinks a bit. "Oh wow urm Y/n/n I hate to say this but I don't feel the same way. I would still like to be your friend though and support you. You've been a really great friend and I don't want to lose you." I feel my heart shatter as he finishes speaking and I try to conceal it with a smile.

I feel my eyes prick with tears and I turn away so he can't see the tears starting to fall. "Well okay then I'm going to go." I start walking in the opposite direction away from the guy who still has my heart. "Y/n/n we're still okay right?" I pause walking and I turn around wiping my tears. "Would you be okay if Mirah rejected you and told you that she loved someone else? Would your heart be beating the same if you knew that the person you're in love with won't ever love you like you love them but you'd do anything for them just because you want them to be happy?"

"I'm going to now, I'll be taking a much needed break from you and everyone for that matter." I turn around again, walking away from him with a quickness.


2 weeks later

I take my seat in the student library to work on my homework and to study for my chemistry test. "Y/n ignoring me won't help you." Chan sits across from me and I sigh. "You're his best friend too so I'm not going to make you choose who to be friends with. I'm trying to study for a test if you don't mind." He sighs pulling out his books as well. "I'm going to be your friend still, I love being around you. So chemistry?" I nod starting to work on my homework. "So...have you seen him at all?"

"In passing because we are in college, I'm bound to see him around campus eventually." I try to see if the answer to the question is in my notes from class. "That's true...so are you still in love with him?" I shrug trying to not directly answer the question. "If not would you like to join me for lunch?" I raise an eyebrow. "Are you asking me out on a date?" His face creeps with a rosy blush. "Well if you want it to be..." I smile for what seems like the first time in forever. "Yes I'd love to."


Chan and I walk to class together smiling. "I hope you do well on your test today, you've been studying really hard. I believe in you!" He kisses me on my forehead before hugging me. "Y/n/n and...Chan?" Felix looks slightly upset  but I smile lightly. "Thanks Channie, I have a go. I'll let you know how my test goes."

Third POV

Felix didn't know what to think about it seeing Y/n and Chan being so close. He was used to her always being with him and even talking to him. He's been avoided and ignored for the past two weeks making him feel lonely without her. He misses her and he might just be missing her more than he thought. "Oh hey mate, what's up?" Felix frowns at his friend. "Are  you and her...?" Chan laughs lightly seemingly amused. "You'd like to know wouldn't you? She loved you and you were so blinded by Mirah who already has Jisung that you couldn't see the wonderful person who loved you all along."

Felix sighs as they walk away from the classroom. "I miss her Chan, I realized that my day isn't complete without hearing her laugh or smiling at something I said or me teaching her a Tik Tok dance. I hate the fact I'm the reason she was crying that day and the reason her heart was broken. I didn't want to reject her Chan..." Chan feels stuck between a rock in a hard place. He has started developing feelings for Y/n and he doesn't want to let her go. He knows now that Felix may be reciprocating her feelings but does he deserve her?

"Look mate I'm going to be honest, I really like her and I want to date her...do you love her?" Felix feels torn now because he doesn't want to ruin anything for Chan but at the same time he wants to mend everything with Y/n. "....Mate if you want to date her then I won't stop you. You deserve her more than I do. I'll just ask one thing though, can I apologize to her?" Chan smiles and side hugs his friend. "Of course you can...thanks mate."



I run out of class to find Chan waiting for me. "Channie I got a 97 on my test! I'm so happy I thought I was going to get a C but no I aced it!!" He hugs me and spins me around. "See I told you I believed in you, I knew you could do it!! Come on let's celebrate your A with ice cream!" As we start walking I feel him intertwine our hands. I smile up at him and he places a kiss on my forehead.


"Channie why is he here?" I whisper over to Chan as Felix sits across from us in the booth. "Urm hi Y/n/n...I'm really sorry about before, I was really insensitive to your feelings. I came to realize that I was ignoring my feelings for you because I didn't want to lose you but that's what I ended up doing. I really miss you and I'd like to still be your friend." I look over at Chan who is holding my hand still. "Well I accept your apology...we can still be friends. I realized this week that I can get over you and I think it's best. I like how things are going with Chan so I want to continue dating him."

Third POV

It was in that moment that Felix became Y/n's simp and the tables had officially turned.


Okay hey lovelies!! I'm back and my pms are open so you can message me for requests❤️❤️❤️ okay love you guys until next time!

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