chapter 11

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On Friday the day they decided to go to the mall.

They drove to the mall. When they got there they headed inside. "Okay so lets go in-" He smiled as he put his jacket on with a hum.

The two went in and started to walk around the mall looking through the windows of store.

They stopped by a kiosk that was selling  skittles enchilados and some other types of candies, he stopped and smiled at the lady selling the candy. He grabbed a few different kind including the skittles. He waited for the price from the lady.

After a minute he got the total price and paid for the candy. The lady placed the jars into a bag and gave it to Xander.

Xander looked at Demitri and said "let's go? " He said as he started to walk away with the bag in his hand.

"So you like those types of candied? " Demitri asked him.

"Mhm yeah their good I like them" He nodded a little as he looked up at demitri.

"Is there anywhere you want to go next demitri? " Xander asked with a small smile.

Demitri thought about it and said "well I need a new coat-' he said as he started to head towards a clothing shop.

Xander followed with a small smile as he glanced around but kept walking.

When they got to the store, Xander stuck to demitri with a small smile.

Demitri looked for some jackets and tried one on "how does it look on me? "

Xander looked at him and shook his head "it doesn't look that good on you try another-" He said as he looked at him.

Demitri tried on like four more jackets before Xander told him one of the coats looked really nice on him.

Xander went up to the cash register and bought the jacket.

They started to walk around and demitri asked Xander "do you need to buy clothes shoes or something of the sorts? " He tilted his head a little as he looked down at him.

"Oh yeah I do but am not buying it from the mall it's to expensive-" He shrugged as he started to walk away. "Let's go eat something" He said with a smile.

"You know I don't mind buying you some its okay" Demitri said.

Xander shook his head and said "no thanks you've done a lot for me already-" He said as he started to head to the food court looking around on what they should eat.

Demitri looked at him "you're sweet-" He said under his breath.

"Okay I'll go buy something a surprise of some sorts and you sit down and wait for me-" He said.

Xander nodded a little as he sat down quietly and waited for him.

Demitri walked away and went to a Chinese food store and ordered some food. He waited off to the side for the food.

He glanced around to look for where Xander was at. But when he looked around he saw a guy talking to Xander. He narrowed his eyes at them. He sorta wish he could hear them.

Xander on the other hand was sitting at the table.
A guy walked up to the table and said "hey well um am chris okay so this may sound weird but I was wondering if I can have your number so we can chat and stuff-'

Xander looked at him and wondered if the male was trying to flirt with him or something.

" Ah well. " He thought about it for a minute and said "even if I do give you my number I may not reply" Get saud as he rubbed his neck.

"And why is that? Got a boyfriend? Or a girlfriend, or even a partner? " He tilted his head a bit.

"Oh no I don't but am currently with a friend of mine-" He said as he look for away.

"Oh shit are you straight or are y'all like flirting? " He asked awkwardly.

"Oh no am gay-" He said with a small blurt out. "But no not really, I like him and we only shared a kiss once but that's pretty much it-" He said a bit nervous and confused why he was saying all this.

"Oh? " The guy gave a small nod. "Alright well here if anything text me-" He said as he gave him his phone number and said "text me don't text me whatever it doesn't matter-" He shrugged "but I'd like it if you texted me-" He smiled as he walked away.

Xander looked at the number on the paper before putting it down into his pocket.

A few minutes later demitri came with the food and said "who was that guy talking to you? " He asked him as he sat down.

"Oh his name is Chris, he gave me his number. He was sorta flirting with me-" He said as he looked toward where Chris has left then back at demitri.

"Uhm? Okay-" He said as he sat down and put the food in front of him and started to eat.

"Do you plan in texting or calling? " He tilted his head.

"Oh um I don't know I doubt it though-" He shrugged a little.

"Alright-" He said as he started to eat. He was jealous and really hoped that he didn't actually message the guy.

He thought for a bit and said "you probably shouldn't contact him" He said as he looked at Xander.

"Oh um?" He thought about it quietly for a bit "okay I wont-' he shrugged as he ate the food slowly.

Demitri was a bit taken aback about how quick he agreed to it.
" Okay if you say so-" He said with a small nod.

The two ate the food before walking around a bit more. When they finally got tired they headed home.

"Hey isn't the prom in like 3 months from now? " Xander asked demitri.

Demitri glanced over as he drove "yeah it is" He said as he leaned back a bit.

"Are you planning on going with anyone? " He tilted his head a bit as he leaned back.

"Well when the time comes am planning on asking someone" He said.

Xander thought quietly and said "oh okay-" He said. He thought maybe he was planning on taking a girl.

He looked out the window and said "I bet you'll be prom king or at least one of the " Royal Court " As they call it" He said.
"Like you're good looking. Smart, rich a lot of girls have a crush on you from what I see, and you're nice, so if you can't get up there then that means people has bad standards for guys-" He said.

Demitri continued to drive and said "eh am not even gonna try and be prom king. It's just a social standard that teens want because that's what society wants them to want. And some of those people who become prom king and queen try and hold that standard for the rest of their lives telling their kids or grandkids they were prom king or queen" He said.
He took a small breath and said "but from what I see people are never happy with what they have" It was easy for demitri to say he was a prince and rich. But he was trying to make a point on humans. Not God's or nymphs because it was different there.

Xander listened and said "yeah I guess you're right but like it would be cool if you were prom king, but off of that you're completely correct on that subject-" He said.

Demitri continued to drive and soon they got home. when Xander got home he started to clean up and threw away the dead plants.

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